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Future News

Welcome to iKnow Futures News

An innovation, foresight & horizon scanning system aimed at interconnecting knowledge about "issues" that could shape (or shake!) the future of societies, science, technology and innovation (STI) in Europe and the world. We are mainly (but not only!) concerned with Wild Cards (WI) and Weak Signals (WE) - Join us!

25597 Members
798 WIWEs

Most recent issues (WIWE)

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Featured Wild Cards (WI)

Clean coal technology discovered View
Carbon crunch and the climate bubble View
1M€ reparation cost per civilian death in conflicts View
Soft “EuroLanding” or "Happy End" in EuroLand View
Cyber Crusade: Massive e-sabotage by "hacktivists" View
Brain Capacity Testing View
End of Aging View
Nano-lab inside your body View
Severe accident of a nuclear power plant View
Israel and Palestine join the EU View

Featured Weak Signals (WE)

Care Communities View
Increasing Self-Medication View
Growing interest in wild cards and weak signals research View
Growing privatisation of war View
No strict global rules on nuclear security View
Herbs (enhanced by Nanotechnology) used to fight cancer View
Implantable electronics leaving no trace View
Growing frequency of floods in Europe and the world View
Emergence of Mediterranean Sea acidification studies View
Deadly food products hit Europe View

iKNOW Policy Alerts

Invisibility spray available in Boots View
China’s investment and services great wall View
Outburst of the black economy View
Abrupt disintegration of the Euro Zone View
Pervasive self-diagnosis and self-treatment View
Major EU state elects neo-fascist leader View
Transhumanism becomes a significant force View
Universal electronic systems breakdown View
Wheat crisis hits humans and animals View
Floods in Europe cause mass migration View

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