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Future News - Global clean water problems solved in dry but sunny offshore areas via algae production

Global clean water problems solved in dry but sunny offshore areas via algae production

Global clean water problems solved in dry but sunny offshore areas via algae production

Originally submitted by Tuomo Kuosa
last updated by Osmo Kuusi

Wild Card's progress: fully-fledged

This Wild Card came from: 
European Commission Framework Programme for RTD

The theme/scheme related to this Wild Card: 
Theme 2 - Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology

The sub-theme that best relates to this Wild Card: 
Increased sustainability of all production systems (agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture)

Likelihood timeframe and scenario features : 

Wild Card's description 
Algae production plants in sunny offshore areas become huge industrial areas which produce not only huge quantities of biofuels, but also lots of electricity and clean water from sea water. Global clean water problem is suddenly solved. GM Algae are the most efficient way for the production. But because the new algae are very effective users of salty water and sunshine their control is lost. Huge problems concerning the sees and even the climate emerge.