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Future News - What is the scope of iKnow scanning?

What is the scope of iKnow scanning?

Wednesday 4th of May 2011 by Rafael Popper

The generation of our wild cards and weak signals (WIWE) required the development of four horizon scanning strategies:

  1. inward-looking top-down or ILTD (where over 2,000 European Commission funded research projects have been sistematically scanned by the iKNOW Team);
  2. outward-looking top-down or OLTD (where a wide range of knowledge sources outside the European research space, e.g. websites, blogs, news, journal articles, official reports, science fiction books, etc. are scanned by the iKNOW Team),
  3. inward-looking bottom-up or ILBU (where EC funded research activities are scanned by iKNOW Community members, who should eventually include a wide range of expertise from government, business, research/education, international organisations, NGOs and other sectors) 
  4. outward-looking bottom-up or OLBU (where knowledge sources outside the European research space are scanned by iKNOW Community members).