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iKnow Community: myForesight: Malaysia's National Foresight Magazine (2nd Edition)

Uploaded by Rafael Popper 4035 days ago   Year of publication: 2011   Number of pages: 62   File's language: English   Views: 2814

The 2nd Edition of myForesight includes: Editor’s Note (Initial Thoughts); Leader's insights (Time To Reignite A Science Renaissance); Cover story (Foresight Areas Unveiled); Experts' insights (Critical Factors Influencing The Selection of Foresight Methods; Science and Technology Vision for the Future: Toward The Year of 2040); Industry insights (Revolutionizing the Business Scene; ECER's Palm Oil Industry Initiative - Palm Oil Industry Industrial Cluster (POIC) Future of Natural Rubber: Invest in New Ideas; Youth insights (Can Anime Create an Impact to Our Country?); Trends & issues (Sustainable Consumerism; Obesity: A Growing Health Risk); Viewpoints (Tsunamic Tide of Information Matrix; Is There Hope For A Better Tomorrow?); Foresight interconnect™ (The Interconnect Series 2010/2011; myForesight™ Youth Engagement; myForesight™ Bookclub); The World Moving Forward (Impact of Japan Tsunami to Malaysia; A Letter From The Future; Q&A with… Dato’ Kamil Abdul Aziz and Darrell Mann; The Stakeholders Contribution).

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