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iKnow Community: iKnow Policy Alerts (2011)

Uploaded by Rafael Popper 4741 days ago   Year of publication: 2011   Number of pages: 162   File's language: English   Views: 5400

This Policy Alerts report provides a unique compendium of the use of Wild Cards and Weak Signals (WI-WE) to inform science and innovation research policy. Section 2 provides an overview of the methodology and logic behind the Policy Alerts and Section 3 provides a collection of four-page policy briefs produced by the iKnow Consortium during the life of the iKnow project.

Rafael Popper,  Ian Miles,  Joe Ravetz,  Thomas Teichler,  Ivan Montenegro Perini,  Deborah Cox,  Jeff Butler,  Jari Kaivo-Oja,  Maurizio Sajeva,  Leena Saarinen,  Karlheinz Steinmueller,  Sivert von Saldern,  Cornelia Daheim,  Ines Lietzke,  Gordon Ollivere,  Anthony Walker,  Martin Fatun,  Karel Klusácek,  Ondrej Valenta,  Yair Sharan,  Aharon Hauptman,  Juha Lång,  Damien Decanter,  Jan Klusácek,  Josef Vacatko,  Miloslav Dorňák
Rafael Popper,  Jeff Butler
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