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iKnow Community: GFO 2007 - Global Foresight Outlook

Uploaded by Rafael Popper 4846 days ago   Number of pages: 66   File's language: English   Views: 2725

Section 1 of the GFO 2007 report introduces the EFMN network, and describes various aspects of the mapping process. This is followed by a discussion about the database, and the data themselves. Section 2 presents an analysis of the general and specific objectives of more than 500 foresight exercises in Europe. The results of the analysis allowed us to create nine families of objectives. Section 3 benchmarks European foresight against other regions. This includes a general analysis of foresight activities in each of the seven regions, mainly in terms of the key dimensions: sponsors, target audiences, time horizon, participants, territorial scope and outputs.

Section 4 is focused on methodological issues. It addresses five questions: (1) What are the most commonly used methods?; (2) What are the top 10 methods per world region?; (3) What are the main characteristics and key features of Europe’s top 10 foresight methods?; (4) What are the most commonly used methods in national, subnational, transborder, supra-national and trans-European foresight exercises?; and (5) What are the most common combinations of foresight methods?

Section 5 presents an analysis of the research areas, and related industries, that are mainly addressed by the foresight exercises. Section 6 presents an analysis of 559 recommendations that resulting from a sample of 83 foresight panels and task forces. This assesses the extent to which panels of foresight exercises conducted at different levels (national, sub-national, transnational and European) are suggesting particular types of recommendations. To conduct this analysis, we have created a taxonomy of recommendations; and we are able to identify the 12 most common recommendations. The section includes a discussion about the challenges of making recommendations at the EU level and presents some practical examples.

Section 7 provides a ‘snapshot’ of the main issues discussed in this report. Section 8, finally, introduces the notion of Country Panoramas, providing a ‘snapshot’ of country profiles for 26 EU Members. This section points to some analyses that the 2008 report will take further.

Rafael Popper,  Michael Keenan,  Ian Miles,  Maurits Butter,  Graciela Sainz
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