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Future News - Growing selection of sperm by donor social and cultural group

Growing selection of sperm by donor social and cultural group

Growing selection of sperm by donor social and cultural group

Originally submitted by Joe Ravetz
last updated by Rafael Popper

Weak Signal's progress: fully-fledged

This Weak Signal came from: 
European Commission Framework Programme for RTD

The theme/scheme related to this Weak Signal: 
Theme 6 - Environment (including Climate Change)

The sub-theme that best relates to this Weak Signal: 
Environment and health

When did the Weak Signal manifest ? 

Weak Signal's description 
Despite opposition from many quarters (religious groups, some feminists and minority support and children’s rights advocates) the trend takes off, with celebrity endorsement (and donation) and media promotion. Markets in sperm (and ova) are widely used, enabling – if not designer babies – high levels of choice about the background of gametes. Regulatory issues arise (possibly varying across countries) concerning tracing donors and informing children of heir ancestry; about sex selection and ethnic issues; about inheritance from and payment to donors.