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Future News - Combine climate change with animal-borne diseases, and the long-term effects of changes in biodistribution and biodiversity

Combine climate change with animal-borne diseases, and the long-term effects of changes in biodistribution and biodiversity

Combine climate change with animal-borne diseases, and the long-term effects of changes in biodistribution and biodiversity

Wild Card's progress: basic

This Wild Card came from: 

The source of this Wild Card: 
Paul CUNNINGHAM, The University of Manchester, interviewed by MIoIR

Likelihood timeframe and scenario features : 

Wild Card's description 
there are the makings of a perfect storm. Certain conditions could come together to cause a major health epidemic or something that affects a significant sector of the agricultural business, or agricultural dependency, e.g. a wheat disease that wipes out wheat crops. That is the long-term effect. You could link it back to the lack of public labs, where research in those areas is no longer supported because research has become more commercially led.