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Future News - Whenever there is a major health outbreak, then people quickly switch direction.

Whenever there is a major health outbreak, then people quickly switch direction.

Whenever there is a major health outbreak, then people quickly switch direction.

Weak Signal's progress: basic

This Weak Signal came from: 

The source of this Weak Signal: 
Sohail INAYATULLAH, "Tamkang University", interviewed by "MIOIR".

Weak Signal's description 
That increases the chance of more dietary shift. Methane emission by cows, and the fact that the meat industry is one of the biggest problems for climate change, could be an impetus. Meditation, as health costs are so high and the technology is simple. The main challenge for futurists is how to transform the narrative so that it is not religious, but a rational practice, especially if you are in charge of a business or corporation. In a spiritual audit of the American corporation, over 50 percent of CEOs said spirituality is defined as something open, transcendental, inclusive; it becomes one of the key competitive edges, they have purpose, they work harder, they listen to others. It creates a whole change in the culture and climate. Even in the framework of competition, these wild cards can enhance one’s location in the world’s economy. It is mostly looking at how we change the cultural narrative, so that it feels more rational and there is support for it.