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Future News - Wheat does not grow any more, it is where wheat or another foodstuff

Wheat does not grow any more, it is where wheat or another foodstuff

Wheat does not grow any more, it is where wheat or another foodstuff

Wild Card's progress: basic

This Wild Card came from: 

The source of this Wild Card: 
Paul CUNNINGHAM, The University of Manchester, MIoIR

Likelihood timeframe and scenario features : 

Wild Card's description 
A good example is the Chorley Wood process. Bread made in the old way used to take four or five hours, but through the addition of flour improvers and enzymes, bread can be produced in a few minutes. But now there is an upsurge in wheat intolerance diseases, e.g. Celiac disease, and people who require gluten-free food. The argument is that before the advent of highly processed wheat products, people did not suffer from this, their digestive systems could cope. But now the market for gluten-free products is huge. Something must have caused a shift in how people react to wheat. You could argue it is the Chorley Wood process.