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Future News - Water shortages and flooding as well as temperature rises and droughts due to climate change affecting population movement in Europe and elsewhere.

Water shortages and flooding as well as temperature rises and droughts due to climate change affecting population movement in Europe and elsewhere.

Water shortages and flooding as well as temperature rises and droughts due to climate change affecting population movement in Europe and elsewhere.

Wild Card's progress: advanced

This Wild Card came from: 

The source of this Wild Card: 
Neil Mundy,

Likelihood timeframe and scenario features : 

Wild Card's description 
Water shortages and flooding as well as temperature rises and droughts due to climate change would affect population movement in Europe and elsewhere. Areas for wine growing and other crops may begin to move to other countries such as UK. It would be useful to encourage a pan European strategy on sustainability and business continuity. Other ways to address this include: The development of a range of flood attenuation measures; Making full use of solar energy or hydro power or developing new plant and crop strains to survive and flourish in more hostile climates.