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Future News - A magnetic solar storm hits the earth and therefore the electricity supply of the world turns out to be severely damaged.

A magnetic solar storm hits the earth and therefore the electricity supply of the world turns out to be severely damaged.

A magnetic solar storm hits the earth and therefore the electricity supply of the world turns out to be severely damaged.

Wild Card's progress: basic

This Wild Card came from: 

The source of this Wild Card: 
Manus Hayne, University of Lancaster, interviewed by RTC North

Likelihood timeframe and scenario features : 

Wild Card's description 
As a technology dependent society, if a major magnetic solar storm was to hit the earth, there would be lasting damage to electric power grids and potentially the electricity supply of the world could be severely damaged. If a major magnetic solar storm was to hit the earth, the effects could be catastrophic for technology. We are such a technology dependent society. It would cause billions, if not trillions, to repair, and there would no doubt be an effect on water supplies, perishable food, medicines and other necessities. Being forewarned is forearmed...hence further research and adequate procedures are required to hinder the storm or prepare for its arrival. Perhaps there are modifications to the power grids that could be researched to alleviate the impact of such an event.