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Future News - The occurrence of a devastating environmental catastrophe in the area of the European Union

The occurrence of a devastating environmental catastrophe in the area of the European Union

The occurrence of a devastating environmental catastrophe in the area of the European Union

Wild Card's progress: basic

This Wild Card came from: 

The source of this Wild Card: 
Mark O. SELLENTHIN, ZWE – Centre for European Economic Research, interviewed by Z_PUNKT

Likelihood timeframe and scenario features : 

Wild Card's description 
as just happened in the Gulf of Mexico. If such a disaster happened on our shores, this would have dramatic impacts on European societies and economics. A catastrophe similar to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill would even be more dramatic if it happened in the Mediterranean Sea, due to the geographic characteristics of this area. It would lead to extensive financial and economic problems for countries, such as Italy, Spain, etc., to cover the costs resulting from such an environmental catastrophe. In such a grave case it would probably come to a “European solution”, as occurred recently with the European support of Greece and Ireland. This would increase pressure on public budgets and ultimately on social and research policy.