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Future News - WIWEs

Wild Cards contributed by Ivan Montenegro Perini

Major Volcanic Eruption(s)

Major Volcanic Eruption(s)

According to Nature (2012), "the largest submerged caldera in the world, Santorini last erupted in 1950 and had been relatively quiet until early 2011, when small earthquakes started to rattle the islands. The region remained f...

All goods and services produced or consumed by people can be realised on the basis of barter trade.

All goods and services produced or consumed by people can be ...

The growing use of technologies in production is a significant trend, along with the related structural unemployment of a considerable part of the workforce. This can result in a wild card which could be characterised as a turn...

A version of GM wheat starts producing a chemical which alters brain function, but is not detectable until it becomes widespread in the population.

A version of GM wheat starts producing a chemical which alte ...

This is possible, as common food products have important effects on health and wellbeing, so a major proportion of the population could be affected

Combine climate change with animal-borne diseases, and the long-term effects of changes in biodistribution and biodiversity

Combine climate change with animal-borne diseases, and the l ...

there are the makings of a perfect storm. Certain conditions could come together to cause a major health epidemic or something that affects a significant sector of the agricultural business, or agricultural dependency, e.g. a w...

A major dip in the supply of UK human resources in science and technology

A major dip in the supply of UK human resources in science a ...

That would have significant impact on industry, which would exacerbate the effects that are already being picked up

Certain areas in research are no longer funded

Certain areas in research are no longer funded

If something arises which is currently low key, not particularly sexy in the research sense, then you begin to have a backlog, as you lack the research to deal with the threat when it arises. It is a wildcard that has already c...

Destabilization of the innovation system

Destabilization of the innovation system

Go back to the destabilization of the economy and losing funding. Society and the economy destabilize the innovation system. In Greece, for example, I imagine many Greek researchers will no longer look for research jobs in Gr...

The animal disease

The animal disease

As an extreme, imagine if domestic dogs suddenly became a carrier for some flea-borne disease which affected humans in the UK. It would be a major issue. It is the equivalent of the Black Death, but instead of rats coming into ...

Wheat does not grow any more, it is where wheat or another foodstuff

Wheat does not grow any more, it is where wheat or another f ...

A good example is the Chorley Wood process. Bread made in the old way used to take four or five hours, but through the addition of flour improvers and enzymes, bread can be produced in a few minutes. But now there is an upsurge...

Somewhere in the next 50 years we will find a much better way of being alive and aware

Somewhere in the next 50 years we will find a much better wa ...

We will move into a much faster, more durable substrate and will do amazing things and go to amazing places. If you then ask yourself, if the ultimate quality of awareness is the same between you and me and my dog and the thing...

The seabed is lined with methane hydrate, and if you take the pressure off.

The seabed is lined with methane hydrate, and if you take th ...

We know in the past there have been great belches of methane, followed by a climate spike. The American coastline has had a lot of extra erosion because of extra agricultural production and there could be a landslide. This woul...

Chinese society collapsing under its own weight.

Chinese society collapsing under its own weight.

The only thing holding China together is the People’s Republican Party and habit. China could go down and take a lot of debts and make the current financial crisis look like nothing.

Somebody cracks RSA, which is a standard inscription

Somebody cracks RSA, which is a standard inscription

If this was done in a public domain way, the entire banking system and ATMs would stop working and could not be used, as they would be insecure. The whole thing is based on one inscription algorithm.

One the European Union should strongly consider is that global warming is perfect

One the European Union should strongly consider is that glob ...

By that I mean everything has an absorption curve. Imagine you have a clear glass of water and you put in a drop of ink and it becomes darker, and you keep doing that until it is completely black and then adding more in does no...

The breakdown of European health systems, and, consequently, an abrupt and revolutionary change in these systems.

The breakdown of European health systems, and, consequently, ...

The breakdown of European health systems, and, consequently, an abrupt and revolutionary change in these systems. This would be quite negative for the broad masses

Production of artificial organs

Production of artificial organs

It would have an important incidence on health

Water shortages and flooding as well as temperature rises and droughts due to climate change affecting population movement in Europe and elsewhere.

Water shortages and flooding as well as temperature rises an ...

Water shortages and flooding as well as temperature rises and droughts due to climate change would affect population movement in Europe and elsewhere. Areas for wine growing and other crops may begin to move to other countries ...

Government cut backs driving innovation but possibly affecting social cohesion, healthcare, education and public order.

Government cut backs driving innovation but possibly affecti ...

This could stimulate innovation and new social capital and community based business but in certain countries worst affected, cuts will undermine social cohesion, healthcare, education and public order. Change needs to be manage...

Further catastrophic events

Further catastrophic events

This could include events like Oil spills, major earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, nuclear events, forest fires or pandemics. These would have differing effects from serious flooding of coastal cities and seaboards due...

Population increase and migration to cities and effect on food production and distribution.

Population increase and migration to cities and effect on fo ...

Population increase and migration to cities and effect on food production and distribution. This could be addressed by looking at the over reliance on a few outlets and resilience plans could be devised.

Significant Demographic change , people living longer , change affecting demand on healthcare

Significant Demographic change , people living longer , chan ...

If demographic change created overwhelming demand on healthcare through an ageing population, more home based personalised care, higher hospital admissions, increased levels of Dementia, and dramatic resource implications of tr...

Major lack of sustainability in energy sources and irreparable damage to wildlife habitats, shrinkage in polar caps, sea level rises.

Major lack of sustainability in energy sources and irreparab ...

Climate change particularly linked to man-made causes and increased CO2 will involve more risky exploration for fossil fuels and irreparable damage to wildlife habitats, shrinkage in polar caps, sea level rises. This could be a...

Acid release of methane from plants on the ocean floor

Acid release of methane from plants on the ocean floor

Even  rapid release of methane from melting tundra is likely to be of great concern (see alarm posted by Hans Schellnberger of the Potsdam Institute in my review of Clive Hamilton, Requium for a Species, chosen as a recent Bo...

Pandemic causing significant deaths in G20

Pandemic causing significant deaths in G20

There would not only be a huge financial and societal impact but also a “backlash” against science’s failure to prevent the deaths. There could be an initial boost in vaccines and immunology research, but then the researc...

Evidence of Alien Life

Evidence of Alien Life

Perhaps this is more of a stereotypical Wild Card, but it would surely boost interest and investment in science. By this I am not alluding to aliens landing here, but some evidence of intelligent signals from deep space for ins...

Significant’ financial events cause ‘significant’ changes in science and innovation funding

Significant’ financial events cause ‘significant’ chan ...

For instance China calling in debts to undermine a G20 economy leading to significant financial difficulties in Europe and social unrest. There will be an initial significant decrease in science activity, coupled with societal ...

Significant terrorist action damaging science infrastructure

Significant terrorist action damaging science infrastructure

For example London, Cambridge, Manchester put out of action for a significant period of time (more than 1 year). With a damaged infrastructure in the UK (or Europe) the loss of research capacity could divert investment to other...

The development of a medical cure for cancer

The development of a medical cure for cancer

This wild card would have significant impacts, not only on health and wellbeing, but also on the economy, in particular on the pharmaceutical industry and companies developing cancer drugs. If this wild card occurred, it would ...

The occurrence of a devastating environmental catastrophe in the area of the European Union

The occurrence of a devastating environmental catastrophe in ...

as just happened in the Gulf of Mexico. If such a disaster happened on our shores, this would have dramatic impacts on European societies and economics. A catastrophe similar to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill would even be more d...

Super volcanic eruption

Super volcanic eruption

Considering the whole of Yellowstone (US National Park) is basically a dormant volcano, can you imagine the chaos that would resign if this became active? There could, and probably would, be catastrophic impacts on society, eco...

A magnetic solar storm hits the earth and therefore the electricity supply of the world turns out to be severely damaged.

A magnetic solar storm hits the earth and therefore the elec ...

As a technology dependent society, if a major magnetic solar storm was to hit the earth, there would be lasting damage to electric power grids and potentially the electricity supply of the world could be severely damaged. If a ...

Defragmentation within the European Commission

Defragmentation within the European Commission

We will have more strong national countries within Europe and less power from the Commission, which would have many impacts on the European Research Area, innovation policy etc. We will have a Europe at two speeds – some coun...

Researchers do not take responsibility for results

Researchers do not take responsibility for results

It is always the industry or the academic who adopted the idea. This could change generally, and there could be more regulation of the researchers.

Catastrophe related to technology

Catastrophe related to technology

e.g. a nuclear power plant meltdown. Something could happen, because people and societies always think they can control technology. After such a catastrophe there will be some kind of rethink about basic technology and progress...

Slow Logistics

Slow Logistics

Today, services in logistics are strongly characterized by a high importance placed on the time aspect. Current economic processes demand “just-in-time” delivery of the right goods in the right place, both in business-to-co...



According to him: "I can imagine that there are increasing tendencies towards a turning back of current globalization patterns, particularly regarding global trade volumes. In this wild card scenario, a growing share of consume...

All the information about almost everything became available to anyone who wanted to know

All the information about almost everything became available ...

This would change politics, economy, finance, technology, etc. Possibly in the end it would be a positive move, although many people would lose in the short term. It would be very wild, because it would change the way everythin...

The internet collapses and cannot be restarted

The internet collapses and cannot be restarted

The internet is the nervous system of the global economy, so if it goes down we have a really big problem.

The collapse of a major nation in a geopolitical area that is already under great pressure

The collapse of a major nation in a geopolitical area that i ...

So Pakistan, Iran or Russia. Each of these major nations with large populations is already under huge pressure from internal dissent, terrorist groups, breakaway groups and financial pressure, etc. We can imagine dramatic possi...

Climate change, rapid changes, our current models

Climate change, rapid changes, our current models

Low probability events often appear to be extremely likely, because they keep happening. So, for example, a large part of the Arctic ice breaks off and sea levels rise, maybe there is a drought and a severe heatwave that jeopar...

The problem of people’s mental wellbeing and mental health

The problem of people’s mental wellbeing and mental health

In previous centuries, people’s mental framework was kept in place by the class system, the dominant ideology and particularly by religion. Everybody went to church on Sunday and the church organised differences between peopl...

Social technology as the catalyst that helped all the stakeholders in a city to collaborate and understand each others’ opportunities better than ever before

Social technology as the catalyst that helped all the stakeh ...

A sudden step change in the intelligence of a city – and intelligence is not just about information, it is about thinking the information is necessary. This would have big impacts. Suddenly we see the possibility for cities t...

The emergence of research nationally

The emergence of research nationally

Which is something that has happened because of the crisis. People are now defending their own turf and trying to maximize their own research – no longer a European approach but a national approach. It is going back to the wr...

Get a unified European defence

Get a unified European defence

That might generate the European defence research policy, which would have a huge impact on whatever we do. It is comparable to the impact of the UN. That is in a sense a positive wild card.

Digital blow-up, a major cyber meltdown, massive identify theft or cyber warfare event

Digital blow-up, a major cyber meltdown, massive identify th ...

It would make people less willing to trust in cyber communications and commerce and weakened the Union in that critical economic dimension.

Nuclear incident

Nuclear incident

Such as a dirty bomb, would be a big challenge and be both a wild card and a major reorder of the equilibrium. It is such an undesirable thing, no one wants to face the prospect. Europe has never had an active bomb or dirty bo...

Breakthrough in Monastery Medicine

Breakthrough in Monastery Medicine

According to Dr. Johannes MAYER: "You could further consider an extension and call it “Breakthrough in Traditional European Medicine (TEM)”, as the usage of European (and Asian) medical plants in Europe goes back 2000 years...

The population bomb

The population bomb

It is a massive shift in the profile of the population – both age and origin – away from traditional patterns. It could be in any number of directions, but render traditional European populations minorities. That would caus...

A schism of Europe between one part and another

A schism of Europe between one part and another

In the past we have had North/South East/West, an iron curtain. Another schism of a different type may be a digital have/have not, an environmental have/have not, maybe some portable cleavage causing a schism. So you may not ha...

Thinking Cap

Thinking Cap

It is a machine intended for the monitoring and recording of thoughts

We will be able to build processors using bacteria

We will be able to build processors using bacteria

We will be able to make ‘smart’ yoghurt, where every bacterium in the yoghurt will have electronic devices which it assembles in its own cells linked together to create skilled intelligence. So a pot of ‘smart’ yoghurt ...

A major disaster caused by an R&D accident

A major disaster caused by an R&D accident

it is more likely in the biotech field. For example a virus or bacteria created in a laboratory is released by terrorists, and causes chaos

At a certain moment people no longer accept political power

At a certain moment people no longer accept political power

An example would be the Euro. Already some financial experts and economists have predicted or suggested the disentanglement of the Eurozone, with one for Northern Europe and one for Southern Europe. That would be a specific wil...

Seismicity in Europe – a major earthquake

Seismicity in Europe – a major earthquake

Parts in Europe where Seismicity is not very well known, for example N-Europe – Britain. There are places though with some seismicity – to date smaller earthquakes have not done anything. However, were these to hit sensit...

A major climatic event

A major climatic event

For example the first European Hurricane. – We had a tropical storm in Portugal in 2008 for example. There is an interesting project looking at this – the Katrina project – it has nothing to do with America but is modell...

Science, technology and innovation will be directed towards relatively radical, sustainable and equity enhancing innovation

Science, technology and innovation will be directed towards ...

We end poverty as we know it and it is more complex than that because there is poverty of mind and poverty of spirit and poverty of physical things and this could end poverty of physical/material things over 20 years if we focu...

Personalised nutrition and personalised medicine for all

Personalised nutrition and personalised medicine for all

It could be important and there are some limits on that and poverty is one of the major limits, so the issue is if we can deal with that and poverty we can make some of the other revolutions more effective.

UK media was controlled by Russians, or operators from other countries for that matter

UK media was controlled by Russians, or operators from other ...

If a sensitive election is coming up, certain issues can be distorted for many reasons. In the UK, the media, particularly newspapers and television, have a very strong influence on attitudes in society, and those involved in t...

Rich sourcing work

Rich sourcing work

One of the interesting things about this is it made possible by some of the same tools that make outsourcing and democratization of innovation work. The fact that you are a billionaire but you are using many of the fundamental...

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