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iKnow Community: Israel in Space

Uploaded by Rafael Popper 4731 days ago   Number of pages: 85   File's language: English   Views: 1432

Twenty Years of Exploration (1988-2008). This full-colour, beautifully illustrated book presents, in the form of brief press excerpts in chronological sequence, the most spectacular achievements of Israel’s space industry over the last two decades. In timeline course of space events you’ll read brief excerpts from hundreds of news articles reporting on important achievements in space flight. Key trends are described in the leading civil and military space programmes – Earth observations, telecommunications, technologies, manned space flight, and navigation. Aspects of the space markets, budget dynamics, collaboration initiatives, policies - are analysed.

Moshe Guelman’s preface takes a look at what lies ahead. The authors hope that Israel’s forthcoming space projects, timely and successful, will simulate the advance of space technology both locally and the world over.

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