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iKnow Community: Your passport to the future!

Uploaded by Rafael Popper 4013 days ago   Year of publication: 2013   Number of pages: 8   File's language: English   Views: 6611

Discover Futures Diamond's Suite of Systems for Research and Innovation (R&I).

Futures Diamond's R&I solutions are powered by Diamond Frame, a fully-fledged content management system (CMS+), which allows your organisation to manage the content and functionalities of the FD Suite of Systems. Diamond Frame supports a wide range of user-friendly modular and customisable R&I systems, including:

R&I Bank - to gather and codify strategic intelligence.

R&I Scanner - to navigate through your strategic intelligence.

R&I Tracker - to improve high-level management of key agendas.

R&I Community - to support networking and stakeholder engagement.

R&I Library - to collect and map codified knowledge and documents.

R&I Mapper - to systematically monitor, analyse and position R&I.

R&I Delphi - to assess and prioritise your strategic intelligence.

Futures Diamond
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