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iKnow Community: Foresight Brief No. 049 An Ethical Future for Biomedical RTD 2029

Uploaded by Rafael Popper 5283 days ago   File's language: English   Views: 746

The 2029 Project: Achieving an Ethical Future or Biomedical R+D launched by the IAF - Institute for Alternative Futures develops forecasts on the greatest advances that will come about through biomedical R+D in the next few decades. Short, medium and longterm evelopments in biomedical R+D are anticipated along with related social and cultural trends. The work refers to the time periods 2005-2010, 2011-2019 and 2020-2029. The last phase of 'Te 2029 Project' focuses on the dissemination of project outputs and on recommendations as to how science and ethics will interact in the creation and discovery of new biomedical knowledge.

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