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iKnow Community: Foresight Brief No. 008 Foresight Embedding in Malta

Uploaded by Rafael Popper 5285 days ago   File's language: English   Views: 347

On the eve of accession to the European Union, Malta like all new members states, experienced considerable pressure for change. This included a drive to adapt RTDI policies for participation in the European Research Area. For a small transition economy with limited resources there was a need to adopt a creative approach to policy development. In the period 2002-2003 foresight was introduced to Malta via three pilot projects conducted by the MCST. These pilot projects played an important role in breaking path-dependencies. They liberated the mind-sets of stakeholders and provided occasion for mutual learning on systemic issues. Foresight is now an integral part of the day-to-day work of the MCST which continues to promote and encourage its application to other policy domains.

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