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iKnow Community: ERA indicators and monitoring

Uploaded by Rafael Popper 4928 days ago   Number of pages: 136   File's language: English   Views: 882

Ten years after the launch of the Lisbon strategy in 2000, the agenda for structural reforms in Europe will be revised to make it fit for the post-2010 period. Research policy is expected to be a key component of this debate. At such a critical juncture, DG Research of the European Commission has sought views and recommendations from three Expert Groups, on the development of the European Research Area and on the EU 2020 strategy in the research policy domain.

The present publication is the report of the Expert Group chaired by Prof. Rémi Barré. The group makes recommendations on how to measure progress towards the realisation of the European Research Area in view of the development of a knowledge-intensive economy in Europe. It also identifies indicators, for the suitable possible setting of targets by the European Commission and the Competitiveness Council.

Rémi BARRE,  Pierre REGIBEAU,  Benedetto LEPORI,  Julia SIEDSCHLAG,  Horst SOBOLL,  Michael TUBBS,  Reinhilde VEUGELERS,  Ward ZIARKO
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