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iKnow Community: 's files
Sustaining sustainability science: The role of established inter-disciplines
Sustaining sustainability science: The role of established inter-... 
The establishment of new interdisciplinary fields such as ecological economics, human ecology or technology assessment can be interpreted as a logical consequence of striving for new sustainabil...
Uploaded by: Ivan Montenegro Perini    Date upload: 3/6/2011    Views: 1568
GFO 2007 - Global Foresight Outlook
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Section 1 of the GFO 2007 report introduces the EFMN network, and describes various aspects of the mapping process. This is followed by a discussion about the database, and the data themselves.&...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 3/6/2011    Views: 2749
FAN Club Newsletter: Strategic Shocks
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(October 2009) Strategic Shocks were the theme of the FAN Club’s October 14 meeting. "67 people found their way to the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, part of the...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 22/5/2011    Views: 2091
Malaysian Foresight Magazine: myForesight (1st Edition)
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Welcome to myForesight, Malaysia’s first national level initiative dedicated to the study and application of Foresight in prospecting technology for business. It provides a common platform...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 18/5/2011    Views: 5458
Scenario Thinking
Scenario Thinking 
Practical Approaches to the Future. This book presents new methods in scenario thinking, based on a mix of high-level research and top-level consultancy experience. ...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 7/5/2011    Views: 2410
Code/Space: Software and Everyday Life
Code/Space: Software and Everyday Life 
After little more than half a century since its initial development, computer code is extensively and intimately woven into the fabric of our everyday lives. From the digital alarm clock that wa...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 5/5/2011    Views: 1354