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iKnow Community: 's files
Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Agenda 2020
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Agenda 2020 is an ambitious plan to position Ireland as a global knowledge leader, a society with scientific and engineering research at its core, driving economic, social and cultural developme...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2012    Date upload: 10/6/2013    Views: 5068
Quantitative Analysis of Technology Futures. Part I: Techniques, Contexts, and Organizations
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As a gentle introduction to quantitative foresight techniques we begin by providing a working definition of Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) and discussing its role, uses, and popularit...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2013    Date upload: 10/6/2013    Views: 5648
myForesight: Malaysia's National Foresight Magazine (2nd Edition)
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The 2nd Edition of myForesight includes: Editor’s Note (Initial Thoughts); Leader's insights (Time To Reignite A Science Renaissance); Cover story (Foresight Areas Unveiled); Experts' insi...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2011    Date upload: 9/6/2013    Views: 2845
CfWI Future workforce matters - Issue 3
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The third issue of Future workforce matters focuses on innovations and technologies in health and social care. Articles include: At the cutting edge: How telehealth works at Airedale NHS Fo...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2013    Date upload: 8/6/2013    Views: 2763
CfWI Future workforce matters - Issue 2
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The second issue of Future workforce matters focuses on public health and includes: A confident and skilled workforce in social care: How will the adult social care workforce of the future ...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2012    Date upload: 8/6/2013    Views: 2539
CfWI Future workforce matters - Issue 1
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A tri-annual digest of current workforce issues, including items examining: the aims and ambitions for the CfWI's new approach to horizon scanning; the social care workforce requiremen...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2012    Date upload: 8/6/2013    Views: 2631