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Future News - WIWEs
Google Glass - a new type of wearable computer.

Google Glass - a new type of wearable computer.

According to a 16 May 2013 review in The Telegraph, Google Glass is "the computer that has both excited and worried millions. Forget the next iPad or the Samsung Galaxy S5 - Google Glass is the hottest property in today’s ov...

On our way to a regressive society ?

On our way to a regressive society ?

Todd Akin, by his speech about the fact that he truly believe that a women can't get pregnant if she has been raped, has maybe open the doors to the return of a conservative society.

Aumento del fenómeno Bulliyng, violencia en las aulas.

Aumento del fenómeno Bulliyng, violencia en las aulas.

Las cifras que durante este año se han publicado en los medios de comunicación sobre el acoso escolar son muy preocupantes, no tanto por la gravedad de algunas conductas aisladas, que se han dado a conocer y que hemos visto p...

¿Por qué ha cambiado tanto la educación?

¿Por qué ha cambiado tanto la educación?

La educación que había antiguamente no sirve para la actualidad, puesto que las cosas han cambiado y cambiarán más probablemente. Toda la vida nos han dicho que hay que tener estudios, pero ¿hoy en día para que sirven? es...

Life controlled by optical fiber technology

Life controlled by optical fiber technology

Currently more than 1.5 billion kilometers of optical fiber is deployed around the world, connecting people, businesses, communities, countries, and continents.

Deadly food products hit Europe

Deadly food products hit Europe

Health officials say the virus, believed to have originated from organic cucumbers in Germany has killed 10 people and infected hundreds. The epicentre of the outbreak has been in the country's north with more than 300 people c...

Emergence of no-gender societies

Emergence of no-gender societies

A Toronto couple are defending their decision to keep their infant's sex a secret in order to allow the child to develop his or her own gender identity.

Holistic Innovation – Fusion of Product and Service Innovations

Holistic Innovation – Fusion of Product and Service Innova ...

The successful creation of innovations is considered to be one of the key factors for companies to generate sustainable competitive advantages and corporate growth. But the exclusive focus on creating smashing new product innov...

Reduced Security Control to Push Innovation

Reduced Security Control to Push Innovation

In a keynote Google’s former CIO Douglas Merrill describes Google’s approach concerning internal innovation culture as offering employees as much freedom as possible in their working/innovation processes, e.g, by letting th...

Ideas In Action – High Transparency at Dell Idea Storm

Ideas In Action – High Transparency at Dell Idea Storm

The multinational technology corporation Dell is giving interested users the chance to post ideas on products, best practices and general topics. Other users can comment and further promote or demote them. In a specific section...

From Closed Innovation to Top-Secret Innovation?

From Closed Innovation to Top-Secret Innovation?

n Summer 2009, an employee of one of Apple’s manufacturer committed suicide after loosing a prototype of a next generation iPhone, There are rumours that he was maltreated and his house was searched illegally. Apple, common...

Edison Nation: Match-making for innovators and companies

Edison Nation: Match-making for innovators and companies

Edison Nation is an online community dedicated to inventors and people with ideas. It aims at helping them to turn their ideas into products and companies discovering those ideas. People can submit their ideas (into the Live Pr...

Putting the NO on InNOvation

Putting the NO on InNOvation

In the beginning of 2009 the American cereals manufacturer Post came up with a new campaign under the tagline “Why we put the NO in Innovation.” By emphasizing the 100% natural ingredients and the fact that the product has ...

24 hours of Innovation

24 hours of Innovation

The Board Of Innovation, an online network of innovators, organised a 24 Hour non-stop marathon of innovation projects around the world on May, 15th of 2009. During a full day and night more than 60 participants presented their...

Non-Western Innovation Boom: Biotech in China

Non-Western Innovation Boom: Biotech in China

China invests vast amounts of resources into research programs in order to foster basic research and applied science, in particular concerning the sponsorship of future technologies such as biotech. The budget of research insti...

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