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Future News - WIWEs
Discovery of an alien civilization

Discovery of an alien civilization

Alien life is a recurrent question in our society, and many believe that it exists. Discovering it might happen soon as we make progress in science and astro-physicists may be able to view images of the distant planets outside ...

Major Volcanic Eruption(s)

Major Volcanic Eruption(s)

According to Nature (2012), "the largest submerged caldera in the world, Santorini last erupted in 1950 and had been relatively quiet until early 2011, when small earthquakes started to rattle the islands. The region remained f...

First contact with extra-terrestrial intelligence

First contact with extra-terrestrial intelligence

First Contact: Contact with extra-terrestrial intelligence/civilisation is established

Society manipulated with advances in interpretation of visual perception

Society manipulated with advances in interpretation of visua ...

Visual perception is proven to be different in males and females. This impacts on the design of future systems to facilitate medical decision-making, crime re-enactments and other scenarios as people react differently to visual...

A Killer Water Filter

A Killer Water Filter

On in six people lacks access to clean water worldwide making diarrheal illness the leading cause of death globally. Novel materials promise better access to clean water around the world. Researchers have recently developed mob...

Gas from Trash

Gas from Trash

It is going to be possible to change our waste management by modified microbes which eat waste and “secrete” fuel. Our future may be changed by genetically modified fuel factories, which are fed with the sun energy.

Silent Seas

Silent Seas

Today 52% of global fishing stock is fully exploited, 28% is overexploited and 20% is moderately or lightly exploited. We are emptying the oceansof fish faster than most species can repopulate themselves. International waters a...

“Cheap liquid fuel production from algae replaces oil by 2030”

“Cheap liquid fuel production from algae replaces oil by 2 ...

By mid-2010’s scientists in Europe discover new algae species from Mediterranean Sea which can be used very efficiently and very broadly in biofuel production. Soon after that the scientists discover a new scientific principl...

Cyber Crusade: Massive e-sabotage by

Cyber Crusade: Massive e-sabotage by "hacktivists"

Growing social and economic pressures in Europe result in massive protests and e-sabotage by underemployed IT activists. A "Cyber Crusade" (or CyberJihad) emerges with the aim of reshaping major socio-economic policies, so as t...

Do-It-Yourself (DIY)

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) "wikiforesight" overtakes religion

Personal futures planning toolkits with “success stories” (e.g. how-to guides and case studies from experts and celebrities) become widely available and used. Social movements emerge, with individuals and civil society gr...

Geoengineering “solves” carbon problems but…

Geoengineering “solves” carbon problems but…

Geoengineering "solutions" to deliberately reduce the effects of continued greenhouse gas emissions can destabilize global and regional climates - and also the political and legal framework. Among many possible examples: A flee...

Soft “EuroLanding” or

Soft “EuroLanding” or "Happy End" in EuroLand

The "Happy Ending" twist to Euro concerns involves the survival of the European political project and the emergence of a new “Euro Deal”, which dramatically transforms the economic and political landscape of Europe. On the ...

Changing ones mind

Changing ones mind

A terrorist group uses a virus to change the behaviour or neutralise a certain population for a certain period

The Genetic Blackmailer

The Genetic Blackmailer

Individual DNA is misused for extorsion.

Breakthrough in memory enhancing drugs

Breakthrough in memory enhancing drugs

Memory enhancing drugs allow massive absorption of facts in short time (e.g. language vocabulary).

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