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iKnow Community: Rethinking Business 2025

Uploaded by Sivert von Saldern 5032 days ago   File's language: English   Views: 3491

The 2008 financial crisis hit the global economy like a tornado. Even before its full impact was felt, Z_punkt had already kicked off the “Rethinking Business 2025” initiative. Strategic thinkers and decision­makers from German core industries – among them trailblazers from BASF, Bosch, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Telekom, Fresenius, Henkel, RWE, and Volkswagen – met to debate the future. Their aim: To envision the post­crisis world in order to find points of reference for deve­ loping long­term strategy. Together with the participants, Z_punkt developed four scenarios for the global business environment until 2025.

Z_punkt The Foresight Company
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