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iKnow Community: Rafael Popper's files
A Natural sciences (7)see research areasB Engineering and technology (17)see research areasC Medical sciences (11)see research areasD Agricultural sciences (8)see research areasE Social sciences (38)see research areasF Humanities (5)see research areas
Innovation Tomorrow
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Innovation policy and the regulatory framework- making innovation an integral part of the broader structural agenda - Innovation is not just based on research, or science and technology. Innovat...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 17/1/2011    Views: 741
Towards a Future Internet
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Over the past decade the internet has become a vital part of everyday life for the majority of Europeans and over two billion people across the world. This is likely to expand to seven billion by 2...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 14/1/2011    Views: 1029
Lisbon Strategy: Between revolution and illusion - The governance challenge for knowledge policies
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Eight years after its first launch, and three years after its re-launch, the fate of the Lisbon strategy still lies between success and failure. And a clear and resolute evolution towards an integr...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 14/1/2011    Views: 686
Hidden innovation in the creative industries
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Innovation has been a subject of serious academic and policy interest for several decades. The 'creative industries' have been studied for a shorter period of time, but perhaps more intensely. Howe...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 14/1/2011    Views: 705
How to Strengthen the EU Knowledge Economy
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This policy brief argues that the policy initiatives that have followed the launch of the Lisbon Strategy have correctly put a strong emphasis on progress in the research, education, and innovat...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 24/12/2010    Views: 751
Practical Guide to Regional Foresight in the UK
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Regional Foresight aims to provide inputs that can enhance strategy and policy planning in regions, municipalities and localities. Drawing on the recognition that knowledge about developments th...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 24/12/2010    Views: 1095