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Future News - Autonomous Passenger Aircrafts

Autonomous Passenger Aircrafts

Autonomous Passenger Aircrafts

Wild Card's progress: basic

This Wild Card came from: 
European Commission Framework Programme for RTD

The theme/scheme related to this Wild Card: 
Theme 7 - Transport (including aeronautics)

The sub-theme that best relates to this Wild Card: 
AAT: Ensuring customer satisfaction and safety

Likelihood timeframe and scenario features : 

Wild Card's description 
All airlines worldwide introduce autonomous passenger aircrafts that fly completely via autopilot and do not have a pilot on board anymore. Automated services furthermore replace flight attendants. This development might be, for example, driven by growing threats due to terrorism and the usage of airplanes as destructive weapons. Terrorists then first of all would have to hack the source code of the flying-software.