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Future News - WIWEs

WIWES contributed by Cornelia Daheim

Collapse of European Transport System

Collapse of European Transport System

The increasing dependence of travelers and logistics - particularly freight traffic by road - on electronic route optimisation creates an overload in the system. A breakdown of the European transportation network ensues and im...



"Labs-on-a-chip" have been introduced for time-saving and automatic diagnosis and detection of diseases. These new forms of diagnosis are comparable to ticket machines which are located in all areas of daily life such as superm...

End of Aging

End of Aging

Revolutionary findings mainly in biotechnology not only understand, but also impede mental and physical ageing. The impacts on human society are immense, individually and structurally: e.g. people are confronted and overstraine...

Cars Banned from City Centres

Cars Banned from City Centres

Environmental reasons and increasing chaos from a rising number of cars has led to European cities increasingly banning individual transport. Many European cities have already created designated zones for pedestrians and additi...

Zero Emission Airplanes

Zero Emission Airplanes

Due to the increasing negative impacts of fossil fuels on climate change, e.g. CO2-emissions, clean combustion engines based on innovative technologies and alternative fuels are being developed and implemented in all kinds of a...

Risks due to Virtual Simulation of Aircraft Navigation

Risks due to Virtual Simulation of Aircraft Navigation

Virtual human models in R&D do not represent real humans. Risks in labs are being underestimated and simulated movements or postures are used for the cockpit design and construction although there is room for misinterpretation.

Automatic Guidance System for Vehicles

Automatic Guidance System for Vehicles

An automated guidance system for vehicles revolutionises traffic. People agree to less driving pleasure and freedom to introduce this new system that completely avoids fatalities and is much more efficient as it avoids traffic ...

Noiseless Aviation

Noiseless Aviation

New technologies such as smart high lift devices and flow control systems enable noiseless aviation. The air traffic rises, especially in urban areas, due to deregulation of airport restrictions such as the ban on night flights...

Animal Experiments End

Animal Experiments End

Higher moral standards prevail and induce the end of animal experiments for pharmaceutical as well as for cosmetic products in the EU.

Brain Capacity Testing

Brain Capacity Testing

Employees or e.g. international migrants are being "brain tested" by companies, if they have "good" (long life, good memory) brains. Bad brains are being discriminated against. Even school kids are being placed according to the...

Research on Aircrafts Propelled by Alternative Fuels

Research on Aircrafts Propelled by Alternative Fuels

Great efforts in research aim at developing the usage of alternative fuels in aeronautics. A wide spectrum of classical solutions as plant oils, synthetic fuel, or even radical ones like organic materials may lead to several po...

Less Bias Against Public Transport in Emerging Countries

Less Bias Against Public Transport in Emerging Countries

Increasing public awareness towards sustainable mobility and a broad acceptance for public transportation services in Europe have helped to change the negative perception of it in emerging countries. It is perceived less as the...

Robot Swarm Intelligence

Robot Swarm Intelligence

Enhanced research on robot swarm intelligence might soon allow robots to communicate and build a system. Cooperation is organized, self-dynamic, and self-contained by intelligent robots. such capabilities are already demonstrat...

Realisation of Smart Safety

Realisation of Smart Safety

An intelligent road-on-vehicle is technically possible and might lead to a safety enhancing infrastructure. Many feature are already technically realised - though not implemented yet. A permanent road-to-car communication could...

Human Enhancements

Human Enhancements

Increasing research on enhancing human performance: e.g. modification of biochemical processes in the body, implants for monitoring body status and releasing drugs as well as nanotech-enhanced tissue, bones and brain.

Seamless Transport Chains

Seamless Transport Chains

First integrated multimodal supply chains and business-overarching application of intertwined databases enable seamless just-in-time deliveries without stop-overs (e.g. in capital-intensive deposits) across the continent, leadi...

Care Communities

Care Communities

Due to the ageing society and the need for nursing, new forms of living are being established: e.g. elderly people live together in "care-communities" and live in multi generation houses to be taken care of and look after each ...

Increasing Self-Medication

Increasing Self-Medication

Due to rising costs, doctors are less often being consulted, but patients medicate themselves. The probability of undetected diseases and risks for overdoses rise.

Mental Health from Retail Stores

Mental Health from Retail Stores

Along with the general rising awareness for health and its commercialisation, mental health is becoming a commercial good as well; e. g. brainfood and brain training games were already introduced.



New drugs are continuously introduced. The drug consumption of legal and illegal drugs to improve one´s performance rises (neuro-enhancement). The consumption has already risen immensely: legal forms of amphetamine are given t...

New Urban Health Management

New Urban Health Management

Big cities and urban areas work on new types of health care management, such as disease management and care/treatment management. They actively intervene in public health and thus in national competencies. This particularly aff...

Robo Sapiens

Robo Sapiens

Quantum leaps in artificial intelligence and cognitives sciences result in a new species: The Robo Sapiens. The species develops self-awareness and intelligence equal to that of humans. It is acknowledged and receives human rights.

Europe-Wide Traffic-Control System for Individual Transport

Europe-Wide Traffic-Control System for Individual Transport

A digital communication network seemlessly integrates traffic information and creates an efficient, accident-avoiding transportation system in Europe, particularly in transboundary agglomeration areas; traffic jams are avoided....

Autonomous Passenger Aircrafts

Autonomous Passenger Aircrafts

All airlines worldwide introduce autonomous passenger aircrafts that fly completely via autopilot and do not have a pilot on board anymore. Automated services furthermore replace flight attendants. This development might be, fo...

Saving Plans for a New Organ

Saving Plans for a New Organ

A Medi-Bank has been established. In this bank, individuals can invest money for future medical treatments. A client could for example, invest in a particular savings plan for spare organs in case of an illness or accident.

First Side Effects of Nanotechnology-Based Consumer Products

First Side Effects of Nanotechnology-Based Consumer Products

The number of cosmetical and medical products as well as food, that incorporate nanotechnology is rising daily. Risks and side affects of products cannot be foreseen yet; nevertheless, some side effects have already been seen i...

Price Decline in Decoding the Human Genome

Price Decline in Decoding the Human Genome

The complete decoding of the human genome has been realised, but the procedure is still rather costly. Nevertheless, it is only a matter of time until techniques of decoding the human genome have become fast, cheap and therefor...

Increasing Migration Due To Climate Change

Increasing Migration Due To Climate Change

Extreme weather phenomena such as hurricanes, storm floods or droughts are already causing migration, especially in parts of Africa and Asia (e.g. in India about 4 mio. people leave their homes temporarily every year). Besides ...

International Cross-Linked Medical Database

International Cross-Linked Medical Database

An efficient collecting and sharing of medical data, i.e. of research projects and results, in common data bases is increasingly practised and might lead to one international, comprehensive and fully cross-linked database.

Personalised Medicine

Personalised Medicine

Research on personalised medicince promises earlier intervention and even prevention of diseases, an improved diagnosis and more efficient drug therapy when treating diseases. It is inter alia based on the results of mapping th...

Hazardous Aviation

Hazardous Aviation

Through enhanced materials and coordination techniques flights are conducted without anxiety even in the worst flying conditions. In conjunction with innovative condition-based maintenance surveillance technologies, which do no...

Uniform Road Surfaces across Europe

Uniform Road Surfaces across Europe

In those areas in the EU, where the contribution of road surface to road safety has been recognised for years and skidding resistance policies are already applied (as e.g. in the UK), the lowest numbers of accidents are recorde...

Flights in Extreme Weather Conditions

Flights in Extreme Weather Conditions

Primarily new composite materials are used in aeronautics. These are fully resistent against atmospheric hazards such as hail, hurricanes and thunderstorms and on the other hand are extremely aerodynamically efficient. In conju...

Global Society due to Total Mobility

Global Society due to Total Mobility

Increased migration and an increase of mobile lifestyles result from ease of mobility. Regional background, national identity and language lose their importance. A global society emerges

European E-Systems Network on Multimodal Public Transport Connectivity

European E-Systems Network on Multimodal Public Transport Co ...

Wide-scale e-systems support multimodal planning and route optimisation for highly mobile travellers using public means of transport. Indiviudally requested or automatically provided real-time information and suggestions for al...

Implementation of Civil Planes Powered by Hydrogen Engines

Implementation of Civil Planes Powered by Hydrogen Engines

Research is conducted on hydrogen turbofan for civil planes which are able to reach velocities up to 6000 km/h (Mach5). This follow-up of the Concorde using ramjets instead of turbofans reaches hypersonic and enables antipodal ...

Mind-Reading Brain Scanning

Mind-Reading Brain Scanning

New techniques of brainscanning are introduced and are able to read people´s minds and intentions. The scanners are introduced for security reasons, e.g. at airport security checks.

Collapse of Transport Infrastructure

Collapse of Transport Infrastructure

New, efficient car engines create low transportation costs. Individual traffic increases immensely and overburdens the existing traffic infrastructure.

Vast Side Effects of Intelligent Safety Transport Systems

Vast Side Effects of Intelligent Safety Transport Systems

A driver´s attention and ability of driving is decreased by the technological support such as electronic lane keeping systems, collusion avoidance systems or fatigue warning systems. The number of car accidents increases rapidly.

European Integrated Railway Signaling System

European Integrated Railway Signaling System

Due to an EU-wide transnational railway signaling system, the likelihood for railway accidents decreases. Mobility gets safer and faster due to less delays.

CNG-Engines for all Busses

CNG-Engines for all Busses

All buses in the EU are imposed to be propelled by CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)-engines. Cleaner environment increases the quality of life. Cheaper fuel allows cheaper bus tickets and increases public transportation and reduces...

Pan-European Transport System

Pan-European Transport System

A pan-European public transport system run by a single European provider leads to a high level of mobility within Europe. Thereby, the familiarity within the EU rises and further solidifies the EU.

Cure for Cancers

Cure for Cancers

Due to a breakthrough in the stemm cell therapy, a cure for different kinds of cancer is developed. Longer life expectancy and higher quality of life is reached. Thereby the aging of the population is taking place even faster. ...

Governmental Weather Control

Governmental Weather Control

New forecast and manipulation systems allow to control the weather. The weather planning system is used by governments to improve e.g. agriculture, but also misused: the era of "weather wars" between states arrives.

New Diseases Caused by Environmental Pollution

New Diseases Caused by Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution rises immensely due to a higher energy production relying on conventional technologies such as coal-fired power plants. Moreover, the traffic volume grows while sticking to the combustion motor. New life...

Undesired Effects of Nanotechnology

Undesired Effects of Nanotechnology

Loss of faith in research and nanotechnology promises. Corporate responsibility leads to increased regulation, far more rigorous testing procedures, and improved checks of possible long-term effects.

Cure for HIV

Cure for HIV

Breakthrough leads to the development of a cure for HIV. The impacts are vast, especially in Sub-Sahara Africa where HIV/Aids was one of the major challenges. Life expectancy rises rapidly. Positive impacts on social and econom...

Non-Verbal Language Established

Non-Verbal Language Established

Due to a new language, communicating becomes possible without words. Migration rises worldwide as there are no longer language barriers keeping people from moving and scientific progress is accelerated.

Luxurious Fuel

Luxurious Fuel

Due to tremendously rising demand for oil, prices for fuel rise enormously. Driving cars and flying will only be affordable for the rich. Costs for public transport rise as well, such that mobility decreases.

Tests on Children for New Drugs

Tests on Children for New Drugs

Pharmaceutical tests on children create more solid data on experimental medicines; however, great public backlash ensues when test procedures leak to the public.

New Diseases Caused by Tissue-Engineering

New Diseases Caused by Tissue-Engineering

Standardised transplantations of tissue-engineered organs lead to new, unexpected diseases and physical disfunctions.

New Vaccines Cause New Diseases

New Vaccines Cause New Diseases

New promising vaccines turn out to cause new kinds of new diseases/long-term effects, which is a huge setback for the scientific community. Millions of people are infected.

European Health Card

European Health Card

Besides personal data, the electronic European Health Card saves all different kinds of medical data that were included in patient files before (anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy, etc., possibly even the genotype). The Health Card ...

Continuous Descent Approach

Continuous Descent Approach

Non-stop final descents of aircrafts are usually interfered by the large number of aircrafts in the airspace being guided by few beacons located in the runway. First tests show that the additional application of virtual GPS-bea...

Improvements in Personal Sensory Device Interfaces

Improvements in Personal Sensory Device Interfaces

Neuromorphic engineering develops personal sensory device interfaces that promise to enhance human senses such as hearing and vision and to improve communication through providing information to people about their environment.

Total Airport Management

Total Airport Management

Integration of all - so far decoupled - air transport systems such as systems for traffic management, runway lightning control, baggage handling, passenger check-in and flight information display. The airport can be run by a ce...

New Approaches for Stem Cell Based Therapies

New Approaches for Stem Cell Based Therapies

Stem cell based therapies for neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson´s and Huntington´s disease is close. Stem cell therapies might also be applied to other diseases.

Intelligent Health Infrastructure at Home

Intelligent Health Infrastructure at Home

Smart technical devices and diagnosis structures are increasingly developed, tested and are slowly been introduced to e.g. monitor and treat elderly, chronically sick or post-clinical patient at home.

Increased User Innovations in Sustainable Transports

Increased User Innovations in Sustainable Transports

Due to the further spread of virtual communities and online innovation platforms, customer innovations in the field of automotives and transport slowly advance.

Emergence of Hybrid Cultures

Emergence of Hybrid Cultures

Migration flows increase and thereby cultural diversity. New hybrid cultures start to develop as already observed in music (Hindu rap), Food (Fusion Food) or language.

Increased communication of EU research projects

Increased communication of EU research projects

EU projects and initiatives work on the communication of the EU research to draw attention to the Union. This might lead to a rise of public awareness towards the EU in general.



TV screens are increasingly used at waiting rooms of hospitals and practices to inform and entertain the patient.

International Rise of Widespread Diseases

International Rise of Widespread Diseases

Setbacks for the fight against diseases such as polio or tuberculosis as the parents in industrial countries are taking the decision not to vaccinate their children.

New Aircraft Control Concepts

New Aircraft Control Concepts

Innovative multichannel control concepts enable intuitive control of aircrafts and all instruments. This leads to a reduction of human effort and reduced reaction times in critical situations; furthermore, ergonomically designe...

Increased Public Awareness of Sustainable Mobility

Increased Public Awareness of Sustainable Mobility

Frequent reports and discussions in the media about global warming and environmental pollution lead to a fundamental change in mobility behaviour and an increasing utilisation of "green means of transport".

Water Pollution Warning System

Water Pollution Warning System

Researchers work on a water pollution warning system. This would constantly analyse water quality. Differencies can immediately be recognised by science centres and thereby warn of pollution and a risk for diseases caused by wa...

Micro/Nano Electromechanical Systems (NEMS/MEMS) as Redeemer

Micro/Nano Electromechanical Systems (NEMS/MEMS) as Redeemer

Research on NEMS and MEMS promise quantum jumps in several fields, such as drug synthesis, drug delivery, nanosurgery, nanotherapy, gemome synthesis, diagnostics, novel actuators and sensors, disease diagnostics and prevention ...

Personal Responsibility for Health Care

Personal Responsibility for Health Care

Cubacks in welfare based on an ageing society cause higher health care costs. Increasingly people have to take care of costs for themselves. More and more private insurances covering additional costs are established. Therefore,...

Digital Divide in Health Care

Digital Divide in Health Care

Digital natives - young people that grew up with the internet - are used to digital devices and services. However, it is mostly old patients who might increasingly profit from technology-based self-services, as digital haemodyn...

EU-Regulations for Clinical Research

EU-Regulations for Clinical Research

The EU increasingly passes directives regulating clinical research

Increased Awareness for Work-Life Balance in EU Workplaces

Increased Awareness for Work-Life Balance in EU Workplaces

There is an increase in research on improving the work-life balance that will eventually increase productivity and efficiency of employees in the EU.


"Open Research"

Few research institutes have already established platforms integrating "several people" in research projects. Similar to open innovation platforms, everyone, e. g. university students or people dealing with similar themes at wo...

Transplantation of Tissue-Engineered Organs

Transplantation of Tissue-Engineered Organs

First tissue-engineered organs were already transplanted.

Increase of Allergies and Autoimmune Diseases

Increase of Allergies and Autoimmune Diseases

The number of people - especially children - that have to deal with different kinds of allergies and autoimmune diseases increases. Besides an increasing refusal of chemical products, there is also a greater demand for improve...

Increasing Migration of Medical Personnel

Increasing Migration of Medical Personnel

Due to a shortage of medical personnel in several areas of the EU, there is an increasing migration of medical personnel within the EU. Increasingly, medical personnel from outside the EU fills the gap aswell

Rising interest for health science and health policy

Rising interest for health science and health policy

Due to a rising awareness for health issues in an ageing society, people become aware of the importance of health research as well.

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