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Future News - WIWEs
Displaying result for tag: nanotechnology
Invisibility spray available in high street stores

Invisibility spray available in high street stores

An invisibility spray is developed and the technology refined until it becomes available in most retail outlets and is affordable for the general public. Initially, this is seen as fun, however there are strong implications for...

Doc-in-a-box: Pervasive self treatment and diagnosis

Doc-in-a-box: Pervasive self treatment and diagnosis

Nano-enabled self diagnosis and self treatment becomes pervasive. This would allow the general public to diagnose, monitor and treat illness themselves having their own ‘Doc in a Box’. Doctors may become redundant and the a...

Cities are lunch for plastic bag-bugs

Cities are lunch for plastic bag-bugs

Synthetic organisms are developed for use in the industrial production of plastics, both to extend product life and to accelerate environmental bio-degradation. The latter varieties prove difficult to control and in some tests ...

Self-assembling robots

Self-assembling robots

Self-assembling robots responding to light and heat can assemble into larger equipment

Intentional propoganda to public

Intentional propoganda to public

The public realise they have been mislead over concerns of nano research and refuse to accept this as an emerging technology.

Molecular manufacturing turns into the next industrial revolution

Molecular manufacturing turns into the next industrial revol ...

The old vision of molecular nanotechnology (first introduced by Drexler) materializes. "universal nano-assemblers" or "nanofactories" build objects of practically any arbitrary size and complexity (including copies of themselve...

Disintegrating of ordinary (nano-enabled, molecularly-manufactured) products by remote signal

Disintegrating of ordinary (nano-enabled, molecularly-manufa ...

In the future industry most products are manufactured by "bottom-up" molecular nanotechnology, and many have built-in expiry date (when they automatically disintegrate for recycling). Terrorists or criminals find a way to disin...

Global System for Safe Nanotechnologies (GSSN)

Global System for Safe Nanotechnologies (GSSN)

“Could Europe’s nanodreams come true?” - Based on lessons learned from Europe’s GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) success in the 1980s, an influential European consortium develops standards for nanotechnolog...

Universal personal energy wallet

Universal personal energy wallet

Everyody has one's own personal "energy wallet" which may be used as univerzal source of energy (battery) for various electronic personal gadgets (such as notebook, mobile phone, mp3 player, gameboy, shaving machine etc.). Tha...

Untraceable nano weapons

Untraceable nano weapons

Untraceable weapons made with nanotechnology could be smaller than an insect with the intelligence of a supercomputer. Possible nano and bio technology arms race.

Gray Goo

Gray Goo

Free range, self-replicating robots that consume all living matter. However unlikely, experts say this scenario is theoretically possible, but not for some time.

Nano-enabled privacy invasion

Nano-enabled privacy invasion

Virtually undetectable surveillance devices could dramatically increase spying on governments, corporations and private citizens.

Nano-electrodes as weapons

Nano-electrodes as weapons

Nano-electrodes are shaped as needles which can be coated with various materials/poisons as anti-human weapons

Nano-based materials that are a strong as metal

Nano-based materials that are a strong as metal

Constructions that are as stiff as metal are based on nano technologies

Undesired Effects of Nanotechnology

Undesired Effects of Nanotechnology

Loss of faith in research and nanotechnology promises. Corporate responsibility leads to increased regulation, far more rigorous testing procedures, and improved checks of possible long-term effects.

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