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Future News - WIWEs
Displaying result for tag: nanotechnology
Herbs (enhanced by Nanotechnology) used to fight cancer

Herbs (enhanced by Nanotechnology) used to fight cancer

Natural herbs enhanced with Nanotechnology are being used to combat and fight cancer. If successfully developed, this natural remedy would revolutionise global cancer treatment and prolong life. Such treatment is non-invasive a...

DNA Testing and Social Engineering on the rise

DNA Testing and Social Engineering on the rise

Technological advancements have seen that DNA can be accurately tested (for example to prove paternity). As this technology becomes more integrated into society, will people start to pick partners and friends by their DNA? Will...

People do not care about their health

People do not care about their health

People do not care about their health because they will have a nano-lab inside their bodies.

Nano becoming more widely accepted

Nano becoming more widely accepted

As the public accept nanotechnology, there is less scepticism to research topics. This could allow dramatic breakthroughs in the future as the worl becomes nano-inspired.

First Side Effects of Nanotechnology-Based Consumer Products

First Side Effects of Nanotechnology-Based Consumer Products

The number of cosmetical and medical products as well as food, that incorporate nanotechnology is rising daily. Risks and side affects of products cannot be foreseen yet; nevertheless, some side effects have already been seen i...

Nanotube 'asbestos' warning

Nanotube 'asbestos' warning

Recent studies show suggest nanotubes could trigger diseases similar to those caused by asbestos.



Nanopollutants are nanoparticles small enough to enter your lungs or be absorbed by your skin. Nanopollutants can be natural or man-made. Nanoparticles are used in some of the products found on shelves today, like anti-aging co...

Nanoparticles have a potential to contribute to air pollution

Nanoparticles have a potential to contribute to air pollution

Recent research suggests that systemic access of ultrafine insoluble particles may induce adverse reactions in the cardiovascular system, and other organs.

Calls to standardise nanomaterials and methods for monitoring health risks

Calls to standardise nanomaterials and methods for monitorin ...

Some recent studies demonstrate that results obtained with specific assays for toxicity may have been invalidated by the presence of investigated nanoparticles leading to false-positive outcomes.

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