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Future News - WIWEs
Displaying result for tag: migration
Migration reform aimed to grant Cuban nationals the right to go out of the country

Migration reform aimed to grant Cuban nationals the right to ...

The Cuban government has put in action a new reform, which has surprised not only Cubans but also the whole international community: A migration reform that is aimed to grant Cuban nationals the right to go out of the country. ...

Increasing Migration Due To Climate Change

Increasing Migration Due To Climate Change

Extreme weather phenomena such as hurricanes, storm floods or droughts are already causing migration, especially in parts of Africa and Asia (e.g. in India about 4 mio. people leave their homes temporarily every year). Besides ...

Emergence of Hybrid Cultures

Emergence of Hybrid Cultures

Migration flows increase and thereby cultural diversity. New hybrid cultures start to develop as already observed in music (Hindu rap), Food (Fusion Food) or language.

Increasing Migration of Medical Personnel

Increasing Migration of Medical Personnel

Due to a shortage of medical personnel in several areas of the EU, there is an increasing migration of medical personnel within the EU. Increasingly, medical personnel from outside the EU fills the gap aswell

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