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Future News - WIWEs
Displaying result for tag: migration
Space colonisation

Space colonisation

Low-cost space travel and human enhancement technologies enable massive migration of humans from earth and establishing permanent space colonies on other planet or on large space stations.

Migration reform aimed to grant Cuban nationals the right to go out of the country

Migration reform aimed to grant Cuban nationals the right to ...

The Cuban government has put in action a new reform, which has surprised not only Cubans but also the whole international community: A migration reform that is aimed to grant Cuban nationals the right to go out of the country. ...

Mexico and Guatemala unifies

Mexico and Guatemala unifies

Because of the relationship between Mexico and Guatemala about the people who constantly migrates, they decided to unify and make a safer place and respect human rights for both societies. There have been a large amount of news...

Population increase and migration to cities and effect on food production and distribution.

Population increase and migration to cities and effect on fo ...

Population increase and migration to cities and effect on food production and distribution. This could be addressed by looking at the over reliance on a few outlets and resilience plans could be devised.

Increasing Migration Due To Climate Change

Increasing Migration Due To Climate Change

Extreme weather phenomena such as hurricanes, storm floods or droughts are already causing migration, especially in parts of Africa and Asia (e.g. in India about 4 mio. people leave their homes temporarily every year). Besides ...

Major EU state elects neo fascist leader

Major EU state elects neo fascist leader

The existence of political parties with far-right agendas is not a new feature in European politics. So what is really ‘wild’ or surprising in this event is the achievement of sufficient political dominance for a major EU s...

Global Society due to Total Mobility

Global Society due to Total Mobility

Increased migration and an increase of mobile lifestyles result from ease of mobility. Regional background, national identity and language lose their importance. A global society emerges

Non-Verbal Language Established

Non-Verbal Language Established

Due to a new language, communicating becomes possible without words. Migration rises worldwide as there are no longer language barriers keeping people from moving and scientific progress is accelerated.

Emergence of Hybrid Cultures

Emergence of Hybrid Cultures

Migration flows increase and thereby cultural diversity. New hybrid cultures start to develop as already observed in music (Hindu rap), Food (Fusion Food) or language.

Increasing Migration of Medical Personnel

Increasing Migration of Medical Personnel

Due to a shortage of medical personnel in several areas of the EU, there is an increasing migration of medical personnel within the EU. Increasingly, medical personnel from outside the EU fills the gap aswell

The world map is re-shaped due climate-induced mass migration

The world map is re-shaped due climate-induced mass migration

Climate-induced migration. Increasingly volatile climate change makes some areas of the world less inhabitable, causing large-scale, unplanned population shifts witin and across national borders and increased competition for an...

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