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Future News - WIWEs
Displaying result for tag: Health
Traditional European Medicine

Traditional European Medicine

Intense and highly funded research in the field of monastery medicine lead to the introduction of an officially approved medical treatment called “Traditional European Medicine” in all European member states. This medical t...

Worldwide vegetarianism

Worldwide vegetarianism

Vegetarianism becomes a mass worldwide movement with huge implications for the food industry and the global economy

Combine climate change with animal-borne diseases, and the long-term effects of changes in biodistribution and biodiversity

Combine climate change with animal-borne diseases, and the l ...

there are the makings of a perfect storm. Certain conditions could come together to cause a major health epidemic or something that affects a significant sector of the agricultural business, or agricultural dependency, e.g. a w...

The animal disease

The animal disease

As an extreme, imagine if domestic dogs suddenly became a carrier for some flea-borne disease which affected humans in the UK. It would be a major issue. It is the equivalent of the Black Death, but instead of rats coming into ...

Production of artificial organs

Production of artificial organs

It would have an important incidence on health

Significant Demographic change , people living longer , change affecting demand on healthcare

Significant Demographic change , people living longer , chan ...

If demographic change created overwhelming demand on healthcare through an ageing population, more home based personalised care, higher hospital admissions, increased levels of Dementia, and dramatic resource implications of tr...

Pandemic causing significant deaths in G20

Pandemic causing significant deaths in G20

There would not only be a huge financial and societal impact but also a “backlash” against science’s failure to prevent the deaths. There could be an initial boost in vaccines and immunology research, but then the researc...

Breakthrough in Monastery Medicine

Breakthrough in Monastery Medicine

According to Dr. Johannes MAYER: "You could further consider an extension and call it “Breakthrough in Traditional European Medicine (TEM)”, as the usage of European (and Asian) medical plants in Europe goes back 2000 years...

We will be able to build processors using bacteria

We will be able to build processors using bacteria

We will be able to make ‘smart’ yoghurt, where every bacterium in the yoghurt will have electronic devices which it assembles in its own cells linked together to create skilled intelligence. So a pot of ‘smart’ yoghurt ...

Personalised nutrition and personalised medicine for all

Personalised nutrition and personalised medicine for all

It could be important and there are some limits on that and poverty is one of the major limits, so the issue is if we can deal with that and poverty we can make some of the other revolutions more effective.

Drastic global vegetarian number surge

Drastic global vegetarian number surge

A string global citizen's movement takes sustainability seriously. People go vegetarian and cut meat consumption drastically.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Established in Europe

Traditional Chinese Medicine Established in Europe

Besides conventional medicine, traditional chinese medicine (TCM) is fully established and applied across the EU. Universities either offer medical studies in conventional medicine or in TCM. TCM hospitals are opened up and man...

Mandatory Vegetarian Monday in EU Member States

Mandatory Vegetarian Monday in EU Member States

To mitigate the greenhouse gas emissions and to raise awareness for possible food side affect the consumption of too much meat might have - such as a higher risk for cancer - the EU releases a regulation that forbids the consum...

Nervous Breakdown of Society

Nervous Breakdown of Society

Acceleration of life, sensory overload by the media, pervasive ICT and fierce competition at the work place have led to a dramatic increase of mental illnesses and disorders, a rise in apocalyptic prophecies and conspiracy theo...

Global System for Safe Nanotechnologies (GSSN)

Global System for Safe Nanotechnologies (GSSN)

“Could Europe’s nanodreams come true?” - Based on lessons learned from Europe’s GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) success in the 1980s, an influential European consortium develops standards for nanotechnolog...

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