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Future News - WIWEs

WIWES contributed by Cornelia Daheim

Seamless Transport Chains

Seamless Transport Chains

First integrated multimodal supply chains and business-overarching application of intertwined databases enable seamless just-in-time deliveries without stop-overs (e.g. in capital-intensive deposits) across the continent, leadi...

Care Communities

Care Communities

Due to the ageing society and the need for nursing, new forms of living are being established: e.g. elderly people live together in "care-communities" and live in multi generation houses to be taken care of and look after each ...

Increasing Self-Medication

Increasing Self-Medication

Due to rising costs, doctors are less often being consulted, but patients medicate themselves. The probability of undetected diseases and risks for overdoses rise.

Mental Health from Retail Stores

Mental Health from Retail Stores

Along with the general rising awareness for health and its commercialisation, mental health is becoming a commercial good as well; e. g. brainfood and brain training games were already introduced.



New drugs are continuously introduced. The drug consumption of legal and illegal drugs to improve oneĀ“s performance rises (neuro-enhancement). The consumption has already risen immensely: legal forms of amphetamine are given t...

New Urban Health Management

New Urban Health Management

Big cities and urban areas work on new types of health care management, such as disease management and care/treatment management. They actively intervene in public health and thus in national competencies. This particularly aff...

Robo Sapiens

Robo Sapiens

Quantum leaps in artificial intelligence and cognitives sciences result in a new species: The Robo Sapiens. The species develops self-awareness and intelligence equal to that of humans. It is acknowledged and receives human rights.

Europe-Wide Traffic-Control System for Individual Transport

Europe-Wide Traffic-Control System for Individual Transport

A digital communication network seemlessly integrates traffic information and creates an efficient, accident-avoiding transportation system in Europe, particularly in transboundary agglomeration areas; traffic jams are avoided....

Autonomous Passenger Aircrafts

Autonomous Passenger Aircrafts

All airlines worldwide introduce autonomous passenger aircrafts that fly completely via autopilot and do not have a pilot on board anymore. Automated services furthermore replace flight attendants. This development might be, fo...

Saving Plans for a New Organ

Saving Plans for a New Organ

A Medi-Bank has been established. In this bank, individuals can invest money for future medical treatments. A client could for example, invest in a particular savings plan for spare organs in case of an illness or accident.

First Side Effects of Nanotechnology-Based Consumer Products

First Side Effects of Nanotechnology-Based Consumer Products

The number of cosmetical and medical products as well as food, that incorporate nanotechnology is rising daily. Risks and side affects of products cannot be foreseen yet; nevertheless, some side effects have already been seen i...

Price Decline in Decoding the Human Genome

Price Decline in Decoding the Human Genome

The complete decoding of the human genome has been realised, but the procedure is still rather costly. Nevertheless, it is only a matter of time until techniques of decoding the human genome have become fast, cheap and therefor...

Increasing Migration Due To Climate Change

Increasing Migration Due To Climate Change

Extreme weather phenomena such as hurricanes, storm floods or droughts are already causing migration, especially in parts of Africa and Asia (e.g. in India about 4 mio. people leave their homes temporarily every year). Besides ...

International Cross-Linked Medical Database

International Cross-Linked Medical Database

An efficient collecting and sharing of medical data, i.e. of research projects and results, in common data bases is increasingly practised and might lead to one international, comprehensive and fully cross-linked database.

Personalised Medicine

Personalised Medicine

Research on personalised medicince promises earlier intervention and even prevention of diseases, an improved diagnosis and more efficient drug therapy when treating diseases. It is inter alia based on the results of mapping th...

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