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Future News - WIWEs
1M€ reparation cost per civilian death in conflicts

1M€ reparation cost per civilian death in conflicts

Revelations of massive numbers of civilian deaths in conflict zones where Western countries are active lead to the rapid growth of a well-organised social movement (using Facebook and Twitter and other web technologies) to cam...

CCTV Cameras pulled down

CCTV Cameras pulled down

After serious and systematic cases of privacy invasion and use of CCTV infrastructure by hackers and terrorists, the UN and other international bodies declare CCTV systems a major security threat.

Space colonisation

Space colonisation

Low-cost space travel and human enhancement technologies enable massive migration of humans from earth and establishing permanent space colonies on other planet or on large space stations.

Space war

Space war

A military confrontation takes place in space, using space weapons such as anti-satellite lasers and missiles, space-planes, etc.

Revolutionary space propulsion technology

Revolutionary space propulsion technology

New space propulsion technology (not based on chemical rockets) enables a dramatic reduction of the cost per pound required to get a satellite into orbit or to propel a spacecraft to its destination in space This is achieved b...

Global warming is not anthropogenic

Global warming is not anthropogenic

Scientists prove that the global warming is NOT anthropogenic, but related to changing solar activity or other newly discovered phenomena in space

Universities close as research does not meet the needs of industry

Universities close as research does not meet the needs of in ...

Research interests of Universities do not meet the needs of Industry and there is a large divide between industries wanting to work with Academic institutions. This lack of technology transfer leads to industry-led research in ...

European Commission scrap research support projects

European Commission scrap research support projects

The European Commission decide that research support projects do not provide a sufficient return on investment and are not viable. These funding schemes (Coordination and Specific Support Actions) are scrapped, and there are no...

Scientists up for murder as ethical issues for research are abolished

Scientists up for murder as ethical issues for research are ...

All ethical issues are removed from research and development, but there is an uprising of an opposition until there are calls for researchers to be accused of murder. As research trials on humans becomes prevalent, vulnerable s...

New cure for MRSA found! Great news until serious side effects revealed!

New cure for MRSA found! Great news until serious side effec ...

Targeted nano antibacterial agents kill bacteria in laboratory rats and in rapid succession a new cure for MRSA is announced. Follow up studies find that nano anti-bacterial agents have asbestos like properties and there is pub...

Invisibility spray available in high street stores

Invisibility spray available in high street stores

An invisibility spray is developed and the technology refined until it becomes available in most retail outlets and is affordable for the general public. Initially, this is seen as fun, however there are strong implications for...

Doc-in-a-box: Pervasive self treatment and diagnosis

Doc-in-a-box: Pervasive self treatment and diagnosis

Nano-enabled self diagnosis and self treatment becomes pervasive. This would allow the general public to diagnose, monitor and treat illness themselves having their own ‘Doc in a Box’. Doctors may become redundant and the a...

Traditional European Medicine

Traditional European Medicine

Intense and highly funded research in the field of monastery medicine lead to the introduction of an officially approved medical treatment called “Traditional European Medicine” in all European member states. This medical t...

Killer Virus

Killer Virus

A highly infectious and lethal virus appears and spreads out around the world fast due to the high mobility of the world population. The number of casualties is high and rises constantly, leading to massive social problems. The...

Minimum Flight Distance Introduced

Minimum Flight Distance Introduced

Due to environmental reasons and the scarcity of resources, especially of crude oil, a minimum flight distance of 500 kilometres has been introduced in Europe. Thus, travelling to destinations which are less than 500 kilometres...

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