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Future News - WIWEs
Displaying result for tag: nanotechnology
Gray Goo

Gray Goo

Free range, self-replicating robots that consume all living matter. However unlikely, experts say this scenario is theoretically possible, but not for some time.

Nano-enabled privacy invasion

Nano-enabled privacy invasion

Virtually undetectable surveillance devices could dramatically increase spying on governments, corporations and private citizens.

Nanotube 'asbestos' warning

Nanotube 'asbestos' warning

Recent studies show suggest nanotubes could trigger diseases similar to those caused by asbestos.



Nanopollutants are nanoparticles small enough to enter your lungs or be absorbed by your skin. Nanopollutants can be natural or man-made. Nanoparticles are used in some of the products found on shelves today, like anti-aging co...

Nanoparticles have a potential to contribute to air pollution

Nanoparticles have a potential to contribute to air pollution

Recent research suggests that systemic access of ultrafine insoluble particles may induce adverse reactions in the cardiovascular system, and other organs.

Calls to standardise nanomaterials and methods for monitoring health risks

Calls to standardise nanomaterials and methods for monitorin ...

Some recent studies demonstrate that results obtained with specific assays for toxicity may have been invalidated by the presence of investigated nanoparticles leading to false-positive outcomes.

Nano-electrodes as weapons

Nano-electrodes as weapons

Nano-electrodes are shaped as needles which can be coated with various materials/poisons as anti-human weapons

Nano-based materials that are a strong as metal

Nano-based materials that are a strong as metal

Constructions that are as stiff as metal are based on nano technologies

Undesired Effects of Nanotechnology

Undesired Effects of Nanotechnology

Loss of faith in research and nanotechnology promises. Corporate responsibility leads to increased regulation, far more rigorous testing procedures, and improved checks of possible long-term effects.

Nanotechnologies cure most diseases in Europe

Nanotechnologies cure most diseases in Europe

Nanotechnology will develop a nanomedicine technology which will be able to cure any disease and correct any physical disorder. A nanotechnology which will be able to identify and eliminate any harmful pathogen in the human bod...

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