Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /data/web/virtuals/47278/virtual/www/domains/iknowfutures.org/community/community.iknowfutures.com/engine/lib/elgglib.php on line 1454
iKnow Community: iKnow Library
iKNOW Grand SectorsPrimary sector (13)Changing natural resources into primary products, such as extraction and production of raw materialsSecondary sector (15)Manufacturing and transformation of raw or intermediate materials into goodsTertiary sector (60)Providing services to consumers and businesses, including knowledge-based services, such as information generation and sharing, information technology, consultation, education, research and development, financial planning, etc.
Towards a horizontal reading of the ERAWATCH inventory
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Selective review of policies introduced by EU MS in support of Human Resources for Research and Development (HRRD), making use of information reported in ERAWATCH national profiles of research poli...
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 25/12/2010    Views: 633
Recognising the value of business patents with university inventors
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Support to university patent ownership is a popular R&D policy initiative to promote effective knowledge sharing. However, tentative results illustrate that the risk of negative consequences exists.
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 25/12/2010    Views: 599
Is networking a substitute or a complement to regional innovation capacity?
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This report attempts to shed some light on the joint influence of regional innovation capacity and scientific networking on regional R&D productivity. Findings indicate that there are distinct path...
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 24/12/2010    Views: 871
The Question of R&D Specialisation: Perspectives and policy implications
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This report is an edited compilation of contributions on the question of 'R&D specialisation', which has emerged as an issue of debate on the research policy agenda.
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 24/12/2010    Views: 786
Monitoring progress towards the ERA
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This report is the result of an exploratory study of progress towards the ERA in four areas: mobility initiatives, research in universities, opening-up of national R&D programmes and joint R&D init...
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 24/12/2010    Views: 913
Europe's top research universities in FP6: scope and drivers of participation
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This report characterises the participation of top research universities in the Sixth European Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP6) using bibliometric indicators.
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 24/12/2010    Views: 669