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iKnow Community: Issues (WIWE)

Nanoparticles have a potential to contribute to air pollution

Weak Signal submitted by Rafael Popper   / Comments (0)
Nanoparticles have a potential to contribute to air pollution

Issue (WIWE) status: Submitted, Unpublished

Weak Signal's progress: Advanced

This Weak Signal came from: 
Academic/scientific journals

The source of this Weak Signal: 
Fadeel, B. et al. (2007), "There's plenty of room at the forum: Potential risks and safety assessment of engineered nanomaterials", Nanotoxicology, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp.73 – 84 http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all?content=10.1080/17435390701565578

When did the Weak Signal manifest ? 

Weak Signal's description: 

Recent research suggests that systemic access of ultrafine insoluble particles may induce adverse reactions in the cardiovascular system, and other organs.

Really not interesting (0 Rates)