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iKnow Community: Issues (WIWE)

New severe pandemia leads to spread of global protectionism

Wild Card submitted by Tuomo Kuosa   / Comments (0)
New severe pandemia leads to spread of global protectionism

Issue (WIWE) status: Submitted, Unpublished

Wild Card's progress: Basic

This Wild Card came from: 
European Commission Framework Programme for RTD

The theme/scheme related to this Wild Card: 
Theme 8 - Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities

The sub-theme that best relates to this Wild Card: 
Cultural interactions in an international perspective

Likelihood timeframe and scenario features : 

Wild Card's description: 

A globally spreading pandemia forces states to cease travelling and limit transportation. Social mistrust and fear leads to protectionism which eventually stops the world trade and crashes economies.

Really not interesting (0 Rates)