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iKnow Community: Issues (WIWE)

Less than half of UK engineering and physical science graduates go on to pursue science-based careers.

Weak Signal submitted by Ivan Montenegro Perini   / Comments (0)
Less than half of UK engineering and physical science graduates go on to pursue science-based careers.

Issue (WIWE) status: Submitted, Unpublished

Weak Signal's progress: Advanced

This Weak Signal came from: 

The source of this Weak Signal: 
Paul CUNNINGHAM, "The University of Manchester", inteviewed by "MIOIR".

Weak Signal's description: 

There are many students deferring university entry because there is perceived higher competition for university entrants places. A knock-on effect could be a sudden downturn in UK student intake, leading to a dip in terms of skilled graduates in the future.

Really not interesting (0 Rates)