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iKnow Community: Issues (WIWE)

Debate about climate change, carbon emissions and CO2 emissions between climate scientists and industry.

Weak Signal submitted by Ivan Montenegro Perini   / Comments (0)
Debate about climate change, carbon emissions and CO2 emissions between climate scientists and industry.

Issue (WIWE) status: Submitted, Unpublished

Weak Signal's progress: Advanced

This Weak Signal came from: 

The source of this Weak Signal: 
Ian Holmes, "C-Tech Innovation Ltd", interviewed by "RTC NORTH".

Weak Signal's description: 

There is ongoing debate about climate change, carbon emissions and CO2 emissions. Typically, this is along the lines of climate scientists versus industry regarding the validity of CO2 emissions and the correlation to global warming. Numerous conferences have been held on the topic, and it still remains hot on the world agenda.

Really not interesting (0 Rates)