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iKnow Community: Issues (WIWE)

Successful intelligent R&D data mining tools created

Wild Card submitted by Martin Fatun   / Comments (0)
Successful intelligent R&D data mining tools created

Issue (WIWE) status: Submitted, Unpublished

Wild Card's progress: Basic

This Wild Card came from: 
European Commission Framework Programme for RTD

The theme/scheme related to this Wild Card: 
Theme 3 - ICT - Information & communication technologies

The sub-theme that best relates to this Wild Card: 
Pervasive and trusted network and service infrastructure

Likelihood timeframe and scenario features : 

Wild Card's description: 

Today's growing wealth of digital data in Europe is poorly exploited. Advances in storage, pervasive computing, digital sensors and instrumentation have led to massive growth in the volume of data collected and the number and complexity of data repositories. This growing wealth of data has an increasing potential to yield great benefits to science as it contains vital hidden knowledge. Typically, to extract that knowledge requires data mining over combinations of data from multiple data resources. New intelligent data maining tools applied to stndardized and shared Eurpean R&D digital information resources may lead to series of interesting interdisciplinary discoveries.

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