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iKnow Community: Issues (WIWE)

Rapid research growth in scientific disciplines and industrial sectors has slowed down the growth in R&D expenditures

Weak Signal submitted by Omid Omidvar   / Comments (0)
Rapid research growth in scientific disciplines and industrial sectors has slowed down the growth in R&D expenditures

Issue (WIWE) status: Submitted, Unpublished

Weak Signal's progress: Nominated

This Weak Signal came from: 
European Research Area (ERA) dimensions

The theme/scheme related to this Weak Signal: 
Research Infrastructures

The source of this Weak Signal: 

Weak Signal's description: 

The growth in the number of researchers is matched by a slightly lower growth in expenditures (2% a year, in constant prices). The slight mismatch between the increase in researchers and in expenditures can be explained by a more rapid growth in scientific disciplines (e.g. the social sciences) and industrial sectors (e.g. services) that are more labour intensive and less demanding in terms of equipment.

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