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iKnow Community: Yanuar Nugroho

Yanuar Nugroho


a pilgrim in this mortal world


Language(s): Indonesian, English, Indonesian, Javanese (all dialects), Malay

Yanuar Nugroho's contributions to iKnow

Wild cards
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Wild cards
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Basic information
Gender :
Status :
Most prominent role :
Education qualification :
Languages :
Indonesian, English, Indonesian, Javanese (all dialects), Malay
Research information
Interest in Cooperative research related to :
• ICT - Information & communication technologies
• Energy
• Environment (including Climate Change)
• Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities
Interest in Individual research related to :
• Social Sciences & Humanities
• Interdisciplinary
Interest in Capacity building research related to :
• Science and society
Interest in Individual capacity building such as... :
• Research mobility and career development
Interest in JRC thematic priorities such as :
Type of research :
• Relevant for intergovernmental non-commercial external organisations (e.g. European Union, United Nations, OECD)
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  • Hydrogen-fuelled car technology brought to mass production

    Hydrogen-fuelled car technology brought to mass production

    The interactions among megacities, air quality and climate have long been a concern. One major problem is the air pollution caused by vehicles. The development of hydrogen-fuelled vehicles on the other hand had always been alwa...

  • EU civil society prediction on the harm of biofuels to economy and environment is proven to be right

    EU civil society prediction on the harm of biofuels to econo ...

    Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have long voiced concern about the harm that biofuels can do to both economy and environment. However these warnings were neglected due to the low credibility of CSO research. A series of rese...

  • Nanotechnologies cure most diseases in Europe

    Nanotechnologies cure most diseases in Europe

    Nanotechnology will develop a nanomedicine technology which will be able to cure any disease and correct any physical disorder. A nanotechnology which will be able to identify and eliminate any harmful pathogen in the human bod...

  • Yanuar Nugroho have no Weak Signals yet

  • There are no files in iLibrary yet

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  • Yanuar Nugroho have no videos yet

  • Hubs and wires: Internet use in Indonesian NGOs is strengthening civil society

    By: Yanuar Nugroho     Posted on: 09/12/2009     Last update: 5288 days ago

    Two days after the tsunami hit the northern tip of Sumatra on Boxing Day 2004, Yayasan AirPutih (airputih.or.id) began working quietly, far from publicity, to reconstruct the communication backbone destroyed by the disaster. Using VHF/UHF radio, V-Sa... full article
  • Corporate governance: Towards bonum commune?

    By: Yanuar Nugroho     Posted on: 09/12/2009     Last update: 5308 days ago

    (This is an English excerpt of my keynote speech when addressing the International Conference for Corporate Accountability in Jakarta a while ago. The Indonesian version was published as a headline article of a national newspaper) Perspective is ... full article