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iKnow Community: Ian Miles

Ian Miles

The non-jazz, non-Greek, non-Irish Milesian

Language(s): English

Ian Miles's contributions to iKnow

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Basic information
Status :
Most prominent role :
Researcher in higher educational institution
Education qualification :
Languages :
Research information
Interest in Cooperative research related to :
• ICT - Information & communication technologies
• Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies
• Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities
Interest in Individual research related to :
• Social Sciences & Humanities
• Interdisciplinary
Interest in Capacity building research related to :
• Science and society
Interest in JRC thematic priorities such as :
• Solidarity and the responsible management of resources
Type of research :
• Focused on a general area of commercial interest to business and/or industry
• Relevant for intergovernmental non-commercial external organisations (e.g. European Union, United Nations, OECD)
Other type of research :
• Strange selection of topics above. Does not seem to capture key issues.
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  • Two places in the sun

    Two places in the sun

    Serious protracted flooding of low-lying areas leads to rethink of Dutch and other low country policies. Benelux consortium firms start buying large tracts of land in Africa for a series of new retirement towns.

  • Groundhog thinking

    Groundhog thinking

    Ecosystem services markets are set up across the EU to try to protect the soil. Farming then becomes a complex process of asset management and trading, and production declines rapidly.

  • When lava flows uphill

    When lava flows uphill

    Who pays for evacuation of potential refugees? Who pays when they sue because disaster happens elsewhere? OR - evidence that threat of vulcanism is growing substantially due to climate change (reduce icecap weight, etc.)

  • Nice security if you can afford it

    Nice security if you can afford it

    Many resilient communities go autarchic, in the face of sea level rise, extreme weather, unstable land and geological hazards. But, only the rich can afford high levels of security and hazard management. In response, other com...

  • Pollution, poverty & death – the blowback begins

    Pollution, poverty & death – the blowback begins

    Political reaction to evidence that the poor suffer much worse pollution levels: mass squats in affluent areas. - one of these projects - string evidence about particulates implication in some widespread disease e.g. asthma.

  • Growing interest in patient payment policies
  • Growing interest in legacy of slave trade

    Growing interest in legacy of slave trade

    new targets for funding reimbursement - slave ports, companies, some communities in Africa itself. new claimants - eg people shipped around within British Empire.

  • Increasingly complex identities in East European border areas

    Increasingly complex identities in East European border areas

    Transborder communities demand new modes of political representation.

  • Growing use of international law to regulate conflicts

    Growing use of international law to regulate conflicts

    Crisis as major intervention in a Third World conflict is ruled illegal by European courts, and several countries immediately stand down their troops.

  • Recognition of role of work and community in regeneration

    Recognition of role of work and community in regeneration

    European peace corps, where youth unemployment and other problems attacked by large-scale mobilisation of young people in voluntary or semi-voluntary reconstruction and community action work in deprived regions.

  • Festivals increasingly seen as object of policy

    Festivals increasingly seen as object of policy

    Festivals increasingly seen as culturally and economically important and as object of policy. Towards the great festival of Europe – or (2) competition among festivals becomes symbolically or economically important, with winn...

  • Interest in construction and nature of European identities

    Interest in construction and nature of European identities

    Interest in construction and nature of European identities – suggesting growing concern about these issues. Evidence of rapid growth in diversity of identity across MS, with little if any sign of expected convergence (er.g. b...

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