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iKnow Community: Rafael Popper's files
Your passport to the future!
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Discover Futures Diamond's Suite of Systems for Research and Innovation (R&I). Futures Diamond's R&I solutions are powered by Diamond Frame, a ...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2013    Date upload: 14/10/2013    Views: 6638
The technology horizon: Preliminary review on technologies impacting the future health and social care workforce
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The purpose of our research is not to predict technological developments, but to identify possible areas of change, and to consider the implications for the workforce. The aim of this re...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2013    Date upload: 10/10/2013    Views: 6879
CfWI Future workforce matters - Issue 4
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The fourth issue of Future workforce matters focuses on integration in health and social care. Articles include: Learning from experience: Steps for the future workforce to consider in an integr...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2013    Date upload: 10/10/2013    Views: 5642
Code/Space: Software and Everyday Life
Code/Space: Software and Everyday Life 
After little more than half a century since its initial development, computer code is extensively and intimately woven into the fabric of our everyday lives. From the digital alarm clock that wa...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 5/5/2011    Views: 1354
Recession Britain: Findings from economic and social research
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Britain has now been in recession for over a year.Why has it happened now after more than a decade and a half of steady growth? When is the economy likely to turn around and recovery begin? How can...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 23/1/2011    Views: 822
The Scientific Century: securing our future prosperity
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No-one can predict the 21st century counterparts of quantum theory, the double helix and the internet. But there is little doubt that advances in science and technology will continue to transform t...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 23/1/2011    Views: 518