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iKnow Community: Towards a Sustainable Transport System Supporting Economic Growth in a Low Carbon World

Uploaded by Clare Degenhardt 5066 days ago   Number of pages: 90   File's language: English   Views: 684

This document has three aims. Firstly, it describes how the Government is
responding to the recommendations made in the Eddington study to improve
transport’s contribution to economic growth and productivity, and how it is ensuring
that transport will play its part in delivering the overall level of reductions in carbon
emissions recommended by the Stern Review of the Economics of Climate Change.
Secondly, it sets out the Department for Transport’s ambitious policy and investment
plans for the period to 2013-14. And finally, it proposes a new approach to longerterm
transport strategy, building on the model recommended by Sir Rod Eddington,
and explains how we will engage with passengers, users, the transport industry and
other stakeholders as we develop and implement that process

Department for Transport
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