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Your passport to the future!
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Discover Futures Diamond's Suite of Systems for Research and Innovation (R&I). Futures Diamond's R&I solutions are powered by Diamond Frame, a ...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2013    Date upload: 14/10/2013    Views: 6638
The technology horizon: Preliminary review on technologies impacting the future health and social care workforce
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The purpose of our research is not to predict technological developments, but to identify possible areas of change, and to consider the implications for the workforce. The aim of this re...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2013    Date upload: 10/10/2013    Views: 6879
CfWI Future workforce matters - Issue 4
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The fourth issue of Future workforce matters focuses on integration in health and social care. Articles include: Learning from experience: Steps for the future workforce to consider in an integr...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2013    Date upload: 10/10/2013    Views: 5642
Implementation of Technology Parks for the Eradication of Poverty... 
The trend of establishing Technology Parks in developing countries is associated with the third generation, th...
Uploaded by: Antonio Luis Aulicino    Year of publication: 2012    Date upload: 19/8/2012    Views: 1388
myForesight: Malaysia's National Foresight Magazine
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Malaysia's National Foresight Magazine Cover Story: Foresight in Action - Greening the Future thorugh Malaysia Biomass Initiative Table of Contents - Envisioning Asia 206...
Uploaded by: Rushdi Abdul Rahim    Date upload: 15/9/2011    Views: 2379
Sustaining sustainability science: The role of established inter-disciplines
Sustaining sustainability science: The role of established inter-... 
The establishment of new interdisciplinary fields such as ecological economics, human ecology or technology assessment can be interpreted as a logical consequence of striving for new sustainabil...
Uploaded by: Ivan Montenegro Perini    Date upload: 3/6/2011    Views: 1567