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iKnow Community: 's files
iKNOW Grand SectorsPrimary sector (13)Changing natural resources into primary products, such as extraction and production of raw materialsSecondary sector (15)Manufacturing and transformation of raw or intermediate materials into goodsTertiary sector (60)Providing services to consumers and businesses, including knowledge-based services, such as information generation and sharing, information technology, consultation, education, research and development, financial planning, etc.
Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Agenda 2020
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Agenda 2020 is an ambitious plan to position Ireland as a global knowledge leader, a society with scientific and engineering research at its core, driving economic, social and cultural developme...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2012    Date upload: 10/6/2013    Views: 5068
Quantitative Analysis of Technology Futures. Part I: Techniques, Contexts, and Organizations
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As a gentle introduction to quantitative foresight techniques we begin by providing a working definition of Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) and discussing its role, uses, and popularit...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2013    Date upload: 10/6/2013    Views: 5648
myForesight: Malaysia's National Foresight Magazine (2nd Edition)
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The 2nd Edition of myForesight includes: Editor’s Note (Initial Thoughts); Leader's insights (Time To Reignite A Science Renaissance); Cover story (Foresight Areas Unveiled); Experts' insi...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2011    Date upload: 9/6/2013    Views: 2845
CfWI Future workforce matters - Issue 3
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The third issue of Future workforce matters focuses on innovations and technologies in health and social care. Articles include: At the cutting edge: How telehealth works at Airedale NHS Fo...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2013    Date upload: 8/6/2013    Views: 2763
CfWI Future workforce matters - Issue 2
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The second issue of Future workforce matters focuses on public health and includes: A confident and skilled workforce in social care: How will the adult social care workforce of the future ...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2012    Date upload: 8/6/2013    Views: 2539
CfWI Future workforce matters - Issue 1
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A tri-annual digest of current workforce issues, including items examining: the aims and ambitions for the CfWI's new approach to horizon scanning; the social care workforce requiremen...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2012    Date upload: 8/6/2013    Views: 2631