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iKnow Community: 's files
Your passport to the future!
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Discover Futures Diamond's Suite of Systems for Research and Innovation (R&I). Futures Diamond's R&I solutions are powered by Diamond Frame, a ...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2013    Date upload: 14/10/2013    Views: 6639
CfWI Future workforce matters - Issue 4
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The fourth issue of Future workforce matters focuses on integration in health and social care. Articles include: Learning from experience: Steps for the future workforce to consider in an integr...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Year of publication: 2013    Date upload: 10/10/2013    Views: 5643
Sustaining sustainability science: The role of established inter-disciplines
Sustaining sustainability science: The role of established inter-... 
The establishment of new interdisciplinary fields such as ecological economics, human ecology or technology assessment can be interpreted as a logical consequence of striving for new sustainabil...
Uploaded by: Ivan Montenegro Perini    Date upload: 3/6/2011    Views: 1567
The Scientific Century: securing our future prosperity
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No-one can predict the 21st century counterparts of quantum theory, the double helix and the internet. But there is little doubt that advances in science and technology will continue to transform t...
Uploaded by: Rafael Popper    Date upload: 23/1/2011    Views: 518
Business R&D in Europe: Trends in Expenditures, Researcher Numbers and Related Policies
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In order to identify trends in business R&D, this report makes use of available, notably those regarding business expenditures on R&D (BERD) and a number of resear...
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 25/12/2010    Views: 1168
Data on Business R&D: Comparing BERD and the Scoreboard
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This paper presents three main limitations. First, really understanding the differences between BERD and the Scoreboard would require matching the two data series at company l...
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 25/12/2010    Views: 1024