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iKnow Community: 's files
The Question of R&D Specialisation: Perspectives and policy implications
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This report is an edited compilation of contributions on the question of 'R&D specialisation', which has emerged as an issue of debate on the research policy agenda.
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 24/12/2010    Views: 787
Monitoring progress towards the ERA
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This report is the result of an exploratory study of progress towards the ERA in four areas: mobility initiatives, research in universities, opening-up of national R&D programmes and joint R&D init...
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 24/12/2010    Views: 914
Europe's top research universities in FP6: scope and drivers of participation
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This report characterises the participation of top research universities in the Sixth European Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP6) using bibliometric indicators.
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 24/12/2010    Views: 670
Contribution of policies at the regional level to the realisation of the European Research Area
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This study examines the role of policies at the regional level to the realisation of the European Research Area (ERA). For a number of selected regions, the study examines policies at regional leve...
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 24/12/2010    Views: 1163
University-industry cooperation in the Research Framework Programme
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Using data from FP6, this report provides a description of the main observable patterns in the budget allocation to university-industry cooperation (UIC) projects versus other forms of collaboration.
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 24/12/2010    Views: 779
Effective Research and Innovation Agendas to Takle Societal Challenges
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The Strategic Energy and Technology Plan (SET-Plan) laid down a strategy to use research and innovation (R&I) to green the EU energy sector while ensuring the security of supply and increasi...
Uploaded by: Omid Omidvar    Date upload: 24/12/2010    Views: 819